Report from ICFA ICFA mission and membership ICFA Panels ICFA and ILC


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Presentation transcript:

Report from ICFA ICFA mission and membership ICFA Panels ICFA and ILC Other activities of ICFA ICFA meetings: October 30, 2008 during ICFA Seminar at SLAC February 12/13, 2009 at KEK  August 19, 2009 during LP09 in Hamburg Sachio Komamiya (Tokyo) for   Atsuto Suzuki (KEK),  Chair ICFA Lepton-Photon 2009, Hamburg

ICFA Mission ICFA, the international Committee for Future Accelerators, was created in 1976 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics to facilitate international collaboration in the construction and use of accelerators for high energy physics. Its purposes, as stated in 1985 are as follows: To promote international collaboration in all phases of the construction and exploitation of very high energy accelerators. To organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans for regional facilities and for the formulation of advice on joint studies and uses. To organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerator complexes and their international exploitation and to foster research and development of necessary technology. For more info. See:

Current Membership August 2009 CERN Member States: R Heuer, T Nakada, J Mnich USA: P Drell, P Oddone, N Roe Japan: S Komamiya, A Suzuki (Chair) Russia: E Levichev, A Zaytsev Canada: W Trischuk China: H Chen Other Countries C Avila, I-S. Ko, G Taylor C11: P McBride (Secretary R Rubinstein)

ICFA Panels (1) ICFA Instrumentation Innovation and Development Panel (A Cattai) ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel (W Chou) ICFA Panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators (M Uesaka) International Linear Collider Steering Committee (E Iarocci)  guiding the ILC development

ICFA Panels (2) ICFA Standing Committee on Interregional Connectivity (H Newman)  fighting the digital divide International High Energy Physics Computing Coordination Committee (Abundaned: Its functions overlap largely with those of WLCG, those which cannot be covered by WLCG will be moved to SCIC-ICFA)

ICFA and ILC ICFA has been helping guide international cooperation on the Linear Collider since the mid 1990’s. Reason: World-wide consensus that 500 GeV e+e- linear collider (upgradeable to ~1 TeV) is next major accelerator following LHC International Linear Collider Steering Commitee (ILCSC) was established 2002 with Chairs Maury Tigner, Shin-ichi Kurokawa, Enzo Iarocci -> Jonathan Bagger (from Autumn 2009) Both accelerator (GDE lead by B Barish) and detector designing teams (lead by S Yamada) are now in TDR phase. TDR: ready for serious consideration by governments. (It is NOT complete engineering design with drawings.)

ICFA and ILC Towards Proposal Submission

ICFA and ILC GDE and Acc. R/D SRF Test Facilities and European XFEL European XFEL FNAL   KEK  DESY  STF (phase I & II) Under construction first beam 2011 ILC RF unit test NML facility Under construction first beam 2010 ILC RF unit test TTF/FLASH ~1 GeV ILC-like beam ILC RF unit (* lower gradient)

ILCSC 19 August 2009 1. ILC accelerator and detectors on track for proposal available in 2012 2. ILC-CLIC collaboration 7 accelerator working groups are formed Working groups on common issues (planning, siting, etc) and on detectors will be formed. 3. ILC governance proposal by GDE studying governance of existing large science projects and will produce recommendation for ILC. ILC governance work package proposed by Suzuki will be discussed in the next ILCSC. 4. IDAG (International Detector Advisory Group) report on ILC detector evaluation will be available at Albuquerque meeting in 29 Sept.- 3 Oct. 2009. 5. Next PAC(Project Advisory Committee)Chair will be Lyn Evans.

ICFA Seminar ICFA Seminar October 28-31, 2008 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, California Kavli Auditorium takes place every three years ~175 invited participants. aims at bringing together government officials involved in strategic decisions for HEP, representatives of the major funding agencies, the directors of major HEP laboratories, and leading scientists from all of the regions of HEP activity.

ICFA 19 August 2009 Reports on ILCSC and FALC. Cooperation with International Committee for Ultra High Intensity Lasers (ICUIL) on future applications of laser acceleration. Endorsed proposal to encourage preservation of particle physics data by the International Working Group (Chair: C Diaconu)

Conclusion ICFA continues to play a very active role for many years in helping advance international projects in HEP. With LHC about to start, a first major step will be taken to look beyond the Standard Model. The results from LHC will be of vital importance for the field. A major focus of ICFA activities is the ILC. Other particle physics programmes will become increasingly international. ICFA will continue helping to advance particle physics