Value of research spanner Urban Legends
An overview of my idea I chose to do a film based on Urban Legends stories mixed with Ghost Rider and electron out of The Amazing Spiderman 2.
Different film trailers Ghost Rider 2 Dawn of the Dead The Reef
An explanation of how it appeals to the audience, referring to your audience research It appeals to the audience because some people like horror films and scary films and some people don’t or they watch them now and again.
An assessment of the value of the audience research I have gathered The majority of the people that completed my research were Female which gave me a female point of view. As well as male seeing that the male percentage was not far off from the female results.
Who I have been influenced by The makers of Shaun of the Dead - The makers of The Reef –StudioCanal Working Title The Reef- Atlas Entertainment The makers of Ghost Rider -Crystal Sky Pictures Hyde Park Entertainment Imagenation Abu Dhabi Marvel Entertainment Marvel Knights
An assessment of the value of the contextual research you gathered I have found out there are Different type of techniques on film making from all CG To still photos with voice overs or motion camera like TV/ film camera’s and many other techniques multiple. I also found out there are different types of horror films from being funny to being serious etc..
My Idea’s 1. I have decided to make a film with an original person in till he gets his power from a Computer PSU. 2. A man that went to get a battery for his car that wouldn’t start and got transformed into a super zombie made out of acid.
The effects I will use effect like lighting bolts and static charge effect along with some Visual Effects to Make it more real and more exciting for the audience watching.
Sound Effects I will use sound effect for ambient noises and electrical sound for when the main character turn in to a walking EMP gun in the streets.
Filming I am going to record a few of my class mates acting the story, script out against a green screen, I will use different camera angles as well.
The End