Week 8.1 Oral Presentations
Announcements The oral presentation contest deadline for video submission has been extended to May 3rd Attendance will at 3 minutes after the hour. No late assignments will be accepted. Homework that is not submitted on time will receive a mark of zero. We will now be having weekly vocabulary quizzes. You should learn 15 new words every week, and you will be quizzed on 10 of those words. I
Vocabulary Development Choose 15 words, they can be from the lessons, from books, magazines, or anywhere else. Don’t choose rare or obscure words. The best words to study are those you see often but don’t know the meaning of, high frequency words, academic words, and words that might help you in the G-mate
Quiz Procedure While you are presenting to groups you I will circulate and check your vocabulary word list for the week. Then I will write a letter beside 10 of the words. M = write the meaning of the word S = Write a synonym A = Write an antonym U = Use the word in a sentence
Grading of Quizzes If you get 80% correct you get a 2+ 70%-60% = 2 50% or less = 1 This counts towards your homework grade The quiz will be every week during your two hour class.
Mottos What’s a motto?
Motto (noun): A statement of personal beliefs or ideals. A life motto reflects your personal values. It is a statements of what you think is important in your life. What are your personal values?
Being Kind to Others
Enjoying your work I love my job!
Following your dreams
Taking Risks
Family and Friends
Enjoying Life
Some life mottos Money makes the world go round. Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver, and the other is gold. Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Never stop learning. A smile can brighten someone’s darkest days. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” -Set Godin “If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” -Robert H. Schuller “A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” -Tom Stoppard Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain
Listen to Josh and Yumi’s life mottos
Brainstorm Found bag in park, returned to hotel Words to live by A preview of my presentation How my motto helps me in life My personal values A statement to connect to the audience What is a motto The history of my motto The meaning Experiences related to my motto Found bag in park, returned to hotel Reminds me I can make the world a better place How my motto helps me in life Doesn’t take a lot of effort to be kind to other people Honesty
Homework 15 new words for a quiz next week. Prepare a mini-presentation for a small group on your life motto for next class. It should be about 2-3 minutes long. You should practice. Bring your brainstorm and notes with you to next class.