Weather and Climate Chapter 4
Chapter 4 lessons 1-3…what do we already know? Weather- conditions of the atmosphere at a time and place (Today it is cool and the sun is shining.) Climate- Weather patterns over a long period of time. Air pollution caused by nature and human activity can change the make-up of the atmosphere and how the atmosphere works
What factors affect climate? Latitude: High lat…polar climate zone- cold and dry (too cold to snow) Altitude: The higher the elevation the colder it is. Cusco Qero Indians of Peru, raise llamas to use for transportation, clothing, food, milk
Ocean Currents affect weather Gulf Stream is a warm water current that follows the east coast of the US. The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current flowing from the Gulf of Mexico to the British Isles. The warmer air from Mexico gains moisture over the Atlantic and is one reason why Britain often receives wet weather.
Climate Regions of the World
Long-term Climate Changes Scientists make an assumption that the conditions plants need to live today, they needed years ago. Can southern magnolias have once lived in ice-covered Greenland? (fossil evidence!) Tree rings can be used to learn about ancient climates. The thicker the layer, the longer the growing season…
Global Changes in the Atmosphere Key Terms to know: El Nino- La Nina- Global warming- Greenhouse effect- Greenhouse gases- Ozone- Ozone depletion- Chloroflourocarbons (CFC’s)-
What events cause SHORT TERM climate changes? Remember…ocean currents affect weather on land Vancouver’s problem with snow at the Winter Olympics was caused by the warm water current that flows up the Pacific coast bringing warm, humid air.
El Nino and La Nina….warm and cold ocean currents that can affect the weather on land by warming or cooling the air over the water The last time the world experienced a strong La Niña was in 1998-9, which saw record-breaking snowfall in the Pacific Northwest. By the end of it, Mount Baker, (pictured left), had been buried under 29m (95ft) of the stuff.
Global Warming Most changes in world climates are caused by natural factors Can human activities cause changes in the atmosphere that can affect weather? The average temperature of the Troposphere has risen almost 1oC in the last 120 years. The amount of CO2 added to the atmosphere has also risen CONNECTION!!??
Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse gases: methane & carbon dioxide & water vapor Greenhouse effect: naturally keeps Earth at a temperature that keeps us alive Human activities responsible for additional greenhouse gases: Burning fossil fuels & massive livestock farms & deforestation
Causes and Effects of Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect Hundreds of thousands of livestock raised in same area Hundreds of thousands of cow “burps” and “bombs” Hundreds of thousands of pounds of decomposing cow manure Added Methane (a greenhouse gas)
Cause/Effect of Greenhouse Effect The world’s forests are disappearing little by little. They still cover about 30 percent of the earth’s land area, but chunks the size of Panama are lost each and every year. At the current rate of deforestation, the world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years. Deforestation means less trees “breathing in” carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. That means more Carbon Dioxide in the air. (Carbon Dioxide is a Greenhouse Gas)
Cause/Effect of Greenhouse Effect Millions more homes with furnaces that burn oil or natural gas and release tons of CO2 into the air. Millions of cars on the road burning gasoline and releasing CO2 into the air
greenhouse gases?? The future with
Review…What is ozone? O3 ozone is 3 oxygen atoms bonded together Global Warming IS NOT the same thing as Ozone Depletion Review…What is ozone? O3 ozone is 3 oxygen atoms bonded together Ozone is found in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere protects us from harmful UV radiation from the sun Ozone in the troposphere is air pollution It’s the Stratosphere’s ozone layer that is in trouble
Ozone Depletion In 1970’s, scientists discovered a “hole” in the ozone layer over Antarctica
CFC’s What was causing this to form?...CFC’s Chemicals called CFC’s were reacting with ozone in the stratosphere turning it into oxygen No Ozone means More Radiation Chlorofluorocarbons– CFC’s Chemicals used in refrigerants and in aerosol cans Chlorine + Fluorine + Carbon= CF2Cl3
Ozone O3 BECOMES Oxygen O2
Health Problems related to Depleted Ozone Australians suffer the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Being located close to the ozone hole over the Antarctic means much higher, more severe levels of UV radiation get through to ground level. Attitudes towards tanning and sun protection have changed dramatically. Australians have realized the pitfalls of their sun-loving, outdoor lifestyle and are taking preventative measures to reduce their risk of sun damage and skin cancer. First launched by a cartoon seagull singing ‘Slip! Slop! Slap!’ on TV screens in 1980,
Since January 1, 1996, consumption of newly produced CFCs has been banned in developed countries. Stockpiling of previous years' production was allowed, however, so that older equipment, such as car air conditioners built before 1993 could continue to be used.
What are the little things we can do to help change the way things are heading?