Rising 11th Grade Registration Class of 2019
Take a look at…… WCPS Program of Studies VA DOE Graduation Requirements WCPS Career and Pathway Planner Diploma Types Standard Transition to work after high school, workforce development, Wytheville Community College Advanced Most competitive option for students seeking admission into a 4 year college/university. Talk about Credential Requirements…careful selection of electives if standard in order to obtain a CTE credential.
WCPS Pathway Programs
Pathway 1-Honors Academy
Pathway 2-College Scholars
Pathway 3-College Readiness
Pathway 4-Transition to Work
Pathway 5-Career Readiness
Core Classes Math English English 11 Advanced English 11 Algebra, Functions & Data Analysis Algebra II Geometry Trigonometry Probability and Statistics Advanced Probability & Statistics Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus Pre-requisite: WCC Placement Test. Algebra II with grade average of “C” or greater. WCC-6 College Credits Dual Enrollment Calculus Pre-requisite: WCC Placement Test. Pre-Calculus with a grade average of “C” or greater. WCC -6 College Credits English 11 Advanced English 11 Pre-requisite: English 10 with a grade average of “B” or greater or Adv. English 10 with a grade of “C” or greater.
Core Classes Science Social Studies Other Ecology Chemistry Pre-requisites: Algebra II or current enrollment in Algebra II. Anatomy/ Physiology Pre-requisite: Biology with a “C” average or greater. Dual Enrollment Biology II Pre-requisites: WCC Placement Test , Biology with a “C” or greater & Chemistry with a “C” or greater. WCC-8 College Credits Dual Enrollment Anatomy & Physiology Pre-requisites: WCC Placement Test, Biology with a “C” or greater & Chemistry with a “C” or greater or concurrent enrollment. Students should only take DE A&P if considering a career in the medical field. VA & U.S. History Advanced VA & U.S. History Pre-requisite: English 10 with a “B” average or Advanced English 10 with a “C: average DE US History (online-SVETN) 3.0 GPA or better Other Economics and Personal Finance Graduation requirement (Only mark if you have not completed it prior to your senior year. )
Foreign Language Students pursuing an Advanced Diploma must take at least 3 years of a foreign language. It is recommended for students who are planning to attend a 4 year college/university after high school to take at least 2 years of a foreign language. Two years of French and two years of Spanish can be used to meet the foreign language requirement for an advanced diploma
Electives ELECTIVES: You will choose more electives than you need. The extra choices will be used as alternates if your first choices are no longer available and/or conflict with your required courses. Use the WCPS College and Career Pathway Planner and Career Cluster in making elective decisions. Descriptions of all electives can be found online in the WCPS Program of Studies.
Career Clusters
Elective Options Junior and Seniors only Courses at WCTC are limited to 10th, 11th & 12th graders Discuss agriculture pathways! Counselor use only!
WCTC Electives Enrollment based upon availability & approval. Classes will be held for one and a half blocks all year. Courses carry 3.0 credits. Some second year courses are eligible for college credit through WCC. See listing on registration form. Program of studies includes all course descriptions.
Courses Automotive Technology I Building Trades I Criminal Justice I Cosmetology I Culinary Arts I Computer Aided Design (CAD) I Practical Nursing I Welding I Welding II Engineering Explorations Precision Machining Tech I
Pursing a Certificate or an Associates Degree from Wytheville Community College??? Students/parents must declare that they are trying to obtain either a Certificate or an Associates degree from WCC by the end of their 10th grade year. See Mrs. Reardon for a declaration form. At that point we will start mapping out the appropriate courses. Both programs require students to take courses during the summer at Wytheville Community College. Parent’s may be responsible for tuition costs.
Intent Form
Online Dual Enrollment Courses Linwood Holton Governors School SVETN/ELITE Learning Pre-requisites: Review of previous Course work Counselor/Principal Recommendation WCC Placement Tests Additional registration forms required. Students and parents may be responsible for costs associated with college classes deemed to be electives not required for graduation and considered non-traditional enrollment.
Non-traditional Dual Enrollment
Don’t forget…. Review this information with a parent and/or guardian. Parents will sign registration form and return it to Mrs. Reardon. Parent’s and students can view class registrations online through parent portal. Students can log-in to the parent portal as students! http://wythe.powerschool.com/public Username: S + Lunch ID (no spaces) Password: Indians