3rd grade Growing Up Fit Together My Plate 3rd grade Growing Up Fit Together
Lesson 2 Five N Jive Card Since you are getting older and can do more stuff now, we will be adding a new Five N Jive activity to each lesson we do this year. Is everyone excited to learn so new exercise moves?
Jog- Run- Walk Exercise Everyone start by marching in place. Now jog in place. Be sure to bring those knees up. Now do a wide jog (like hopping through tires). Now do a slow motion jog. Let’s walk very softly now like we are trying to not break any eggs.
Jog- Run- Walk Exercise Now let’s gallop in place like a horse. Good job! You all did a great job. I want everyone to take 2 deep breaths and sit back in your desk.
Vary Your Veggies Raise your hand if you like to eat vegetables? Why is it important for us to eat vegetables? Vegetables are an important source of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Let’s see what vitamins and minerals we get from eating vegetables
Vitamins & Minerals Potassium helps us to have normal blood pressure which is good for our heart. Fiber helps us to go to the bathroom regularly, which keeps us from having lots of stomach aches. Folic acid helps the body form red blood cells that carry oxygen from our lungs to the other organs in our body. Vitamin A keeps our eyes and skin healthy. Vitamin C helps our cuts and wounds heal. It also helps our body absorb iron.
Vegetables Do you eat vegetables at home? Do you eat fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables? Some fresh vegetables are only available when it is their season to grow. Let’s see if we can name some vegetables by their colors.
Green Vegetables Broccoli Brussel sprouts Green beans Cabbage Lettuce Celery Broccoli Brussel sprouts Green beans Cabbage Lettuce Cucumbers Peas Asparagus Okra Zucchini Spinach Green peppers
Yellow & Orange Vegetables Corn Carrots Squash Sweet potatoes Pumpkin
Red Vegetables Tomatoes Red peppers Radishes Beets
White & Tan Vegetables Cauliflower Mushrooms Oinons Potatoes Turnips White corn Garlic Ginger .
Blue & Purple Vegetables Eggplant Purple cabbage .
Review of Vegetables Vegetables have vitamins and minerals that are good for our bodies. Some fresh vegetables are only available in certain seasons. There are several different colored vegetables. .
Focus on Fruits Why is it important for us to eat fruits? Raise your hand if you like to eat fruits? Why is it important for us to eat fruits? Fruits are an important source of nutrients that our bodies need. Let’s see what nutrients we get from eating fruits. .
Nutrients in Fruits Potassium helps us to have normal blood pressure which is good for our heart. Examples are bananas, cantaloupe, and orange juice. Fiber helps us to go to the bathroom regularly, which keeps us from having lots of stomach aches. Eat freshly cut fruits to get the most fiber. Folic acid helps the body form red blood cells that carry oxygen from our lungs to the other organs in our body. Vitamin C helps us grow and helps our cuts and wounds heal. It also helps keep our teeth and gums healthy.
Fruits Fruits are good for meals and as snacks. Fruits have very little fat, which make them good to eat. Fruits are good for meals and as snacks. Fruits can be eaten at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are also delicious to eat as dessert. Let’s see if we can name some fruits by their colors.
Green Fruits Green grapes Green apples Honeydew melon Limes Avocados Kiwi Green grapes Green apples Honeydew melon Limes Avocados
Yellow & Orange Fruits Bananas Pineapple Oranges Tangerines Peaches Cantaloupe Grapefruit Mango Papayas Lemons
Red Fruits Apples Cherries Cranberries Watermelon Strawberries Raspberries Pomegranate Red grapes Red grapefruit Blood oranges
White & Tan Fruits Figs Dates White peaches Brown pears .
Blue & Purple Fruits Plums Blueberries Blackberries Concord grapes Raisins Black currants Purple figs .
Review of Fruits Most fruits are sweet and contain little fat. Fruits have nutrients that are good for our bodies. Most fruits are sweet and contain little fat. There are several different colored vegetables. .
Grains All of those foods come from the grains group. Raise your hand if you like to eat things such as toast, waffles, and biscuits? All of those foods come from the grains group. Does anyone know what a grain is? Let’s see what a grain is. .
What is a Grain? Grains are small, hard, dry seeds that are harvested to make food for people and animals. The plants that make these seeds are called grain crops. Foods that are made with the whole grains contain the entire grain seed. Let’s see what that looks like. .
Grain Diagram Grains are divided into 2 groups: Whole grains Refined grains . Whole grains contain all 3 parts of the seed. Refined grains only contain 1 part of the seed.
Grains Examples of whole grains include: Whole wheat flour Oatmeal Whole cornmeal Brown rice Examples of refined grains include: White flour De-germed cornmeal White bread White rice .
Refined Grains Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This gives them a finer texture and improves shelf life, but it removes the fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Most refined grains are enriched which means certain B vitamins are added back after processing. .
Review of Grains Grains are in foods such as breads, flour, and waffles. There are 2 types of grains: Whole grains and refined grains Refined grains have some of the nutrients removed from them when they are processed. .
Protein Power It helps your muscles grow and become stronger. Why do you think protein is important to our bodies? It helps your muscles grow and become stronger. Let’s talk a little more about protein. .
Protein Power Your body’s tissues, muscles, organs, and immune system are mostly made up of protein. Also the outer layers of your hair, skin, and nails are made up of protein. Your body uses protein to build, maintain, and repair tissues. Do you know what food we need to eat to get our protein? .
Protein Rich Foods Chicken Fish Beef Eggs Low fat dairy products Nuts (Peanut Butter) Seeds Beans .
How Much Protein Do you Need? Healthy people can divide their weight in half and that tells you the number of grams of protein you need eat day. Example: A student that weighs 80 pounds should eat 40 grams of protein a day. Now that you know how much protein you need, let’s look at serving sizes. .
Serving Sizes of Proteins .
Review of Proteins Your body’s tissues, muscles, organs, and immune system are mostly made up of protein. So are the outer layers of your hair, skin, and nails. To find the grams of protein you should eat each day, take you weight and divide it in half. .
Water is Wonderful Why do you have in common with your pets, and the trees and grass outside? We ALL need water to live. Without water, our bodies would not be able to work right. Let’s talk a little more about how important water is to our bodies. .
Water is Wonderful More than half your body is made up of water. Our blood contains water which transports oxygen to our other organs in our body. Water helps our bodies to cool off. Our sweat contains water. So how much water do you think we need to drink to keep our body hydrated? .
Drink Plenty of Water You should drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. (About the size of a 2 liter bottle.) You should also drink water in between meals. You should drink water before and during playing sports. When you are thirsty, it is a signal that you body needs water. .
How Can We Get Water? By drinking it Eating fruits Eating vegetables .
Review of Water Over half of our body is made up of water. We need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. If we sweat a lot, we need to drink plenty of water to replace it. .
Calcium Counts Milk contains calcium which helps our bones and our teeth grow to be strong and healthy. We can get calcium from other foods that contain dairy such as cheese and yogurt. It is important to continue to have calcium as you get older because your body can lose calcium which can make your bones weak and cause them to break. .
Tips for Healthy Eating .
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