Fit 4 Europe Services Mission November 23, 2016 Maritza Bengochea Export Officer - Services
Presentation Outline Mission Programme Matchmaking Model Market Challenges Impact to Date Exporter Feedback Post Mission Activities Lessons Learnt
Mission Programme Business to Business (B2B) Meetings Coaching and briefing sessions from Industry Experts and Entrepreneurs Site visits to sector clusters Daily briefing sessions. To provide mission participants with capacity-building, market intelligence and to begin the process of creating sustainable partnerships. To learn about the dynamics of the market, identify niches for market entry; evaluate risk and opportunity and to meet potential partners.
Matchmaking Model Pre-mission contact Developing a clear value-proposition Identifying and engaging potential partners Scheduling of meetings
Market Challenges Establishing pre-mission contact Ethical and sustainable business models and practices Conducting Financial transactions
Impact Connecting with key industry players Co-creation Peer to peer mentorship Strategic Direction Services: Fashion - Co-creation initiatives identified – with international partners as well as amongst Fit 4 Europe companies to co-design for marketing in the EU Expressed interest in direct sales Opportunities identified to develop and commercialise new line of sustainable ethical fashion designs Opportunities to establish pop-up shops in the UK Animation & Production - Cluster development model for the Animation sector reviewed for adaptation in T&T Identification of strategic partners for Animation sector development in T&T Opportunities to submit proposals for commercial services and television productions
Connecting with Key Industry Players
Economic Impact -3 contracts secured -Estimated Contract Values $55,000 USD -Development of a new product offering -Entry into 2 new exports
Exporter Feedback “In the circumstances everything was well coordinated. Perhaps a bit more pre-mission intel would have been nice, a bit deeper than what was provided. “ “It would have been beneficial to have the same amount of time in both countries. France’s visit felt a bit rushed.” “This mission has created the potential for significant service contracts in the EU and UK. It also, gave incredible insight on markets” “This was a tremendous opportunity to assess aspects of the market that you can only get insight from being on the ground. Overall, a well-organized trip.”
Post Mission Activities Follow-up evaluations with Companies and developing Individual Action Plans Conducting follow-up activities with institutions, agencies and companies for future initiatives and projects and maintain relationships
Lessons Learnt There is no "right way" or "one size fits all approach" to entering a market. Relationship building is key The power of the right network
Thank You