Good Evening!! Welcome to American Sign Language (ASL) 102 class! Instructor: Stephan Kennedy
My Background ~ I was born with severe profound deafness in ranges of 90 – 94 decibel losses. ~ I attended at the residential school for the deaf in Santa Fe, New Mexico until 1975. ~ Then I attended hearing public high school with no sign language teachers or interpreters during my last four years. ~ I completed B.A. in Business Administration and M. A. degree in Metaphysics Teaching & Counseling. ~ I live in Seattle over 10 years now!! ~ my name sign “S-K” on right side next to mouth.
Why Do I Love To Teach ASL? ~ ASL is my primary language. ~ ASL is beautiful visual/gestural language which incorporates lots of facial & body expressions. ~ My goal is to teach you to learn ASL, to appreciate and respect the Deaf Community and our culture. Also, to help you to master successful conversations with ASL Signers!
What about YOU??? ~ Introduce yourself with your full name ~ Why are you taking ASL? ~ Who was your previous ASL 101 Instructor? ~ What do you like about ASL? ~ How many classes or working hours you’re now taking?
~ Syllabus Handout ~ ASL 102 Website Handout ~ Class ID Sheet Please read ASL 102 syllabus (at least 3 times) by next Monday. Sign the Syllabus Agreement form with your signature. You must be in class on Monday to receive full credit. Be prepare to answer Syllabus Quiz! ~ ASL 102 Website Handout Please browse around at my website and check out all information – Class Schedules, Assignment Due Dates, Lecture Notes, Community Contact Information, and more. ~ Class ID Sheet Have your Student Identification Card ready and complete the information on ASL Class ID. Take your first five SID digits and subtract from last four SID digits, the result will be your ASL 102 Class ID. Return completed information to your instructor. ~ ASL 102 Card Please complete the questionnaires and return it to your instructor.
Check the syllabus for specific required textbooks and materials Homework ~ Review ASL 101 vocabularies & grammars ~ By next Monday please read syllabus carefully (3 times) ~ Tour ASL 102 website (Use library or student computer lab if needed) ~ Have your required materials ready by next Monday Check the syllabus for specific required textbooks and materials
Office hours: By appointment between 5:00 - 6 PM How to Reach Me You could do several ways… ~ signing as best as you can (please try this first) ~ write on a piece of paper or the board for urgent questions at end of class (try avoiding this as much as possible – use ASL) ~ email me after the class ~ An ASL interpreter can be provided at our appointment if requested at least two weeks in advance Office hours: By appointment between 5:00 - 6 PM