Communication and Documentation Needs exemplified on WP 71 J. Pflüger, XFEL / DESY
Alternative Formulation: From a Workpackage Leader’s Point of view Definition of WHAT Communication and Documentation is needed for the Project NOT HOW it is achieved.
In Kind Contributions to WP71 (Undulator Systems) CIEMAT Madrid: Intersection Components (Quadrupole Movers, Phase Shifters, Support Base) CELLS Barcelona Production Management of the SASE3 Undulator Segments MSL Stockholm Fiducialization of the Quadrupoles for the XFEL Undulator Sections And… All contributions approved by Cost Book All underwent the In-Kind Review Committee
Effect of In Kind Contributions These IK Contributions… Provide special knowledge not available at XFEL Release work load by….. Design of Hardware Production of Hardware Difference to some other IK Contributions: High Repetition Factor 92 Intersections (CIEMAT) Requiring 92 fiducialized Quadrupoles (MSL) SASE3 requires 21 Undulator Segments (CELLS)
And in addition there are many ..….. Communication Needs These IK contributions need Coordination Design, Planning Time Schedules And in addition there are many ..…..
…….Interlinked Activities with WP71 Undulator Systems Examples for Information Exchange in WP71: Undulator Installation in the Tunnel …….Interlinked Activities with WP71 Undulator Systems XFEL WP71 XFEL, CELLS, CIEMAT, MSL Accelerator WP12 Warm Magnets, Quadrupoles WP17 BPMs WP19 Vacuum Chambers DESY Infrastructure WP31 Civil Construction WP33 Tunnel Installation: Transport Vehicle WP34 Utilities, Cables, Power, Light, Cooling XFEL WP 72 FEL Concepts WP73 X-ray Optics WP74 Photon Diagnostic ..which create all kind of boundary conditions to be taken care of.
Documentation Needs I Documents arising from IK Contributions: Conceptual Phase Creation of Knowledge such as Papers, Reports, Studies, Designs, Software, Methods, Feasibility Tests… Design Phase of Components Drawings, FEM calculations, Specifications…. Production Phase of Hardware Tender documents, Production Documents, Minutes, QA/QC Documents, Acceptance Tests, Measurements and Alignment data Installation Phase Installation Plans, Floor Plans, Logistics, Transport
Examples of Documentation LCLS Undulator Fiducialization Plan (Definitions, Requierements) Undulator Test Plan (Definitions, Requierements) Travellers for Assembly (Facts, Results) Undulator in Magnetic Measurement Facility defining and documenting Measurements XFEL 5m Pre-Series Prototypes Description of critical assembly procedures Definition and requirements of mechanical acceptance measurements
Documentation Needs II Project Meetings, Reviews Conceptual Phase XFEL Reports, Papers, Design Studies, Conceptual Studies, Software Design Phase Mechanical Design Drawings, Production Drawings,Electric Design, Wiring Diagrams, Cable Plans, Specifications, QA/QC plans Production Phase Tendering Documentation, Specifications, QA/QC Documents, Change and Updating Management, Acceptance Tests Magnetic measurements Definitions, Results Installation Phase Tunnel Installation Plans, Installation Data Base (Where is what?) Operation Phase Maintenance Data Base
EDMS=Electronic Data Management System Does nothing more than you would (try to) do by paper in a project of this size. It helps to organize: Collect papers, Reports, Studies etc. Make a design Archive with all drawings in Document the production (Specifications, Tendering, project meetings QA/QC ……. Document Magnetic Measurements: Requirements, Specifications, Results Organize an Installation Data Base(Plans, Data Base) Organize an Operation Data Base Regulated authorized access Authorizes and releases Information
MS4XFEL It is the official XFEL planning tool Time Schedule Planning Budget Planning Resource Planning Link Activities with other WPs: Vacuum, Buildings, Diagnostics, DESY Infrastructure….. The whole WP71 is already outlined in MP4XFEL ! All IK Contributions will have to be included into Is considered as a part of binding communication: What is required When and Where?
Example Time Schedule Planar Prototypes Intersections Proto Production
This is a true common effort! General EDMS and MS4XFEL are documentation and planning tools. They do not make the plans! Solutions have to be found by you and me. Clear understanding of problems, interrelations, interfaces etc. is needed. Bad input results in bad plans The basis is good reliable binding/obligatory communication. See introduction This is a true common effort!
The End