THE CHEST XRAY 2017 Dr Richard Beese Bsc(Hons) MRCP FRCR
The Chest x-ray What are we doing ?
Objectives Basic radiography and radiology Common Pathology in keeping with CSB Diagnostic thinking Test Sign clinical skills booklet
What makes a good chest x-ray?
Name DOB Label Projection Whole Image Penetration
Transudate Exudate
Rib fractures
Air space shadowing
What is the role of imaging in the unconscious patient?
What is the role of imaging in acute renal failure?
What is the role of imaging in the Jaundiced patient?
What is the role of Imaging in cancer patients ?
What is the cause ?
What is the role of the Consultant Radiologist ?
What disease process can cause this appearance in a young man?
Cough and high temperature what is the cause ? Where is the abnormality ?
What is the most likely cause of the pleural effusion?
What is the future of chest imaging ?
Ask the Professor
Tumour and bone