You Have to Be Crazy to do this Catching You Have to Be Crazy to do this
Integrating desired attributes Energetic Loud Confidence Crazy Authoritative
Create an Environment Fun Challenging Safe place to do something new or crazy Free to make mistakes Moments of the Outrageous
Establish Expectation Standards Performance evaluation less subjective More cooperative/collaborative atmosphere If standard isn’t met need to make change
Create a Focus “Win the rep” Define a purpose for the drill Make it simple Easy to evaluate Eliminates mindless activity
Drills Process Based Progression Drills Technique Focus on the small details of the skill Challenge Based Drills Tougher than the game Competition with other catchers
Expectation for Receiving Catch every ball Keep every strike in the zone Give umpire good look (Quiet and out front)
Receiving Relaxed Hand Start at medium stay at medium Start Quiet Stay Quiet Beat Ball to Spot
Expectation for Blocking Prevent runner from advancing Keep ball close Recover quickly
Blocking Beat ball to spot Be soft like a Big Pillow Chest still at contact Keep glove down throughout block Down quick up quick
Expectation for Throwing Short transfer Short footwork Carry Quick enough to be pick threat
Throwing Short arm circle Spin + Extension = Carry
6 Time Killers in Transfer Go get ball with glove on receive (Extend) Catch with hands separated Glove and Hand go down as ball is being taken out of glove Throwing hand goes down out of glove Throwing arm extends back or high before throw Arm pauses before throw
Footwork Get Right Foot down ideally just before catch (Subtracts time) Short steps Right foot step is between straight and over to midline
Time Killers in Footwork Late Start Long Steps Poor Direction
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