From: Three-Dimensional-Printing of Bio-Inspired Composites Date of download: 1/22/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Three-Dimensional-Printing of Bio-Inspired Composites J Biomech Eng. 2016;138(2):021006-021006-16. doi:10.1115/1.4032423 Figure Legend: (a) Photo of our HA 3D-printer, adapted for HA ink extrusion via pressurized air. Air is pushed through the top of syringe in order to extrude material out of nozzle below onto substrate, while print bed moves. The printer bed moves in the x,y-direction while the nozzle moves in the z-direction. The syringe and nozzle can easily be changed to accommodate different materials. (b) As the 3D-printer constructed in the Buehler lab uses pressure extrusion to print viscoelastic material, the flow rate for HA ink at varying pressures was recorded when the ink was loaded in a 10 cc syringe. A linear trend is observed and shows that with increasing pressure, the flow rate increases.