European Personnel Selection Office Career opportunities with the European Institutions Overview Selection Procedures European Personnel Selection Office Koen Hendrix – 4 October 2014
Where can an EU career lead? Council, Parliament, European Commission, Commitee of the Regions, Economic and Social Commitee, External Action Service, Ombudsman, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, Data Protection Supervisor [10 institutions EPSO selects for] + many agencies of the EU (such as….) 80% of jobs are in Brussels or Luxembourg + 20% in the EU and the World. To add in: list of videos for the various institutions
Profiles? Law European Public Administration Translation Communication Audit External Relations Lawyer-linguist Interpreters Economists Assistants Mentioning different profiles & fields Graduate /non graduate positions Possibility to add on slides – with profiles (format of 1 slide per profile – using some pictures / standard job description / quotes – used in previous competitions) Many other profiles Proofreaders
Who are we looking for? European citizens Graduates + Non-graduates Speaking EN , FR or DE Highly skilled Resilient Communicative Motivated Result driven Analytical Potential to lead And speaking… at least another official EU language? Enjoying working in multicultural teams Ready to move to Brussels or Luxembourg Who are we looking for? Basic eligibility criteria are: EU citizenship 2 EU languages (2nd = EN, FR or DE) Linguist (graduate) profiles: 3 EU languages Graduate profiles (Administrator): bachelor (at least) Non-graduate profiles (Assistant): secondary education + 6 yrs of prof. exp. post-secondary education + 3 yrs of prof. exp. Competencies – are mentioned What kind of people are we looking for: Are highly skilled, resilient and motivated to succeed, learn and develop Have a desire to make a difference; who want to help shape Europe and the world Enjoy working in multi cultural teams Deliver results Sont hautement qualifiée, souple et motivé pour réussir, apprendre et se développer Avoir un désir de faire une différence; qui veulent aider à façonner l'Europe et le monde Apprécier travailler dans des équipes multi culturelles Produire des résultats You will mainly be based in Brussels or Luxembourg Training: - languages, - skills Travel for work Job mobility Work-life balance Social benefits:- health care, - child care, - European Schools A career with the EU Institutions gives you: Interesting and challenging work that makes a real difference for Europe An environment where you are encouraged to learn new skills and languages The opportunity to work and travel abroad, and work with people from all over Europe A lifetime of different jobs
What we offer Interesting & challenging work International working environment Travel Training languages skills Work-life balance Job mobility Social Benefits Brussels or Luxembourg based careers A chance to make a difference for Europe… A career with the EU Institutions gives you: Interesting and challenging work that makes a real difference for Europe An environment where you are encouraged to learn new skills and languages The opportunity to work and travel abroad, and work with people from all over Europe A lifetime of different jobs Salary AD5: 4300 €/month You will mainly be based in Brussels or Luxembourg Training: - languages, - skills Travel for work Job mobility Work-life balance Social benefits:- health care, - child care, - European Schools
Selection Procedure General overview Apply Online Computer Based Admission Tests Assessment Centre in Brussels or Luxembourg List of Successful Candidates This is a simplified diagram of the structure of a competition, which does not reflect all possible variations for different types of competitions. Online registration and booking of CBT test appointment (via EU Careers website and EPSO Account) Sitting computer-based admission tests (may not apply for specialist competitions) – details of types of tests on later slides. The candidates who achieve the best marks in the admission tests are invited to attend an assessment centre in Brussels – details on later slides. The candidates who achieve the highest aggregate marks at the assessment centre will be included on a reserve list (subject to proof that they meet all the eligibility requirements) and are then available for recruitment by an institutiton). Entry by open competition: Notice of Competition published in Official Journal of European Union, also available via Single point of entry: European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) - Apply online at: Organised in annual cycles for general profiles The European institutions select future officials through open competitions, which involve a series of competitive examinations. Competitions are open to all citizens of the European Union who meet the specified requirements. This procedure gives all candidates a fair chance to demonstrate their abilities and guarantees selection based on merit while observing the principle of equal treatment. A Notice of Competition (24 languages) setting out the requirements for each competition is published in the Official Journal of the European Union and can be accessed via the EU Careers website. Online registration to competitions is via the same website (in English, French or German). A selection board is appointed to select the best candidates in the light of the requirements set out in the competition notice. The board compares the candidates’ performance in order to assess their suitability for the duties described in the notice. Its task is not only to evaluate their knowledge but also to identify those who are best qualified in terms of merit. Competitions are organised: - either in annual cycles; - or to meet specific needs of the institutions. More on the annual cycles of competitions on a later slide. Candidates who pass a competition are placed on a reserve list from which the institutions draw recruits as and when they need them. The aim of a competition, then, is not to fill a specific post, but to constitute a reserve pool for recruitment. The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is the interinstitutional office responsible for organising competitions . Two-stage procedure: Selection Recruitment EPSO is responsible for the selection procedure. The Institutions are responsible for recruitment. 1 9 Number of months Consult ' what's coming up' Create an EPSO Account communication EPSO candidate Apply for a competition during the application period (4 weeks)
Your EPSO Account Create an EPSO Account When you apply for a competition – also sign up for our info blog. You can only apply for a competition during the application period (4 weeks) – but you can create your epso account any time. The EPSO account is the tool for
Computer Based Tests across Europe Computer Based Tests (CBT) multiple-choice tests in 1st and 2nd language – cognitive abilities (= reasoning skills) – test centre in your country – all applicants Note: * Linguist profiles: verbal reasoning in 2nd and 3rd languages 2nd language: EN / FR or DE
Computer Based Tests (CBT) Verbal reasoning Numerical reasoning Abstract reasoning Situation Judgment In your main language 1 of 24 official EU languages Computer Based Tests (CBT) multiple-choice tests in 1st and 2nd language – cognitive abilities (= reasoning skills) – test centre in your country – all applicants Note: * Linguist profiles: verbal reasoning in 2nd and 3rd languages 2nd language: EN / FR or DE In your 2nd language
Example verbal reasoning
Example verbal reasoning
Example numerical reasoning
Example numerical reasoning
Example abstract reasoning
Example abstract reasoning
Example situational judgement
The winner gets a prize… Wanna try it? Verbal reasoning 2 questions 4 minutes Numerical reasoning 2 questions 4 minutes Abstract reasoning 2 questions 2 minutes The winner gets a prize…
Q 1
Q 2
Q 3
Q 4
Q 5
Q 6
Q 1
Q 2
Q 3
Q 4
Q 5
Q 6
The winner gets a prize… Answers Question 1 B Question 2 B Question 3 D Question 4 B Question 5 C Question 6 D The winner gets a prize…
Assessment Centre in Brussels (or Luxembourg) Under the new competition procedures, EPSO uses a standard « assessment centre » model, based on competencies. This model has been chosen by the institutions to be able to identify the most suitable and competent candidates for the profile required. After the admission tests, candidates are invited to an assessment centre session, which is normally held in Brussels. In the assessment centre, candidates will be tested by appropriate instruments. A detailed explanation of these items will be given in the « Assessment Centre » brochure that candidates will receive when invited to take part in this stage of the procedure. The competition notice lists the items used for a particular competition.
Assessment Centre Overview Generalists 1,5 day in your 2nd language Case study Oral presen-tation Structured interview Group exercise EPSO uses a standard « assessment centre » model, based on competencies. This model has been chosen by the institutions to be able to identify the most suitable and competent candidates for the profile required. After the admission tests, candidates are invited to an assessment centre session, which is normally held in Brussels. In the assessment centre, candidates will be tested by appropriate instruments. A detailed explanation of these items will be given in the « Assessment Centre » brochure that candidates will receive when invited to take part in this stage of the procedure. The competition notice lists the items used for a particular competition. Other profiles: Practical language tests (Linguists) Exercises related to professional skills (Assistants)
Assessment Centre Testing 7+1 competencies Analysis & Problem solving Communicating Delivering Quality & Results Learning & Development Prioritising & Organising Resilience Working with others + Potential to lead (leadership) Who are we looking for? Basic eligibility criteria are: EU citizenship 2 EU languages (2nd = EN, FR or DE) Linguist (graduate) profiles: 3 EU languages Graduate profiles (Administrator): bachelor (at least) Non-graduate profiles (Assistant): secondary education + 6 yrs of prof. exp. post-secondary education + 3 yrs of prof. exp. Competencies – are mentioned What kind of people are we looking for: Are highly skilled, resilient and motivated to succeed, learn and develop Have a desire to make a difference; who want to help shape Europe and the world Enjoy working in multi cultural teams Deliver results Sont hautement qualifiée, souple et motivé pour réussir, apprendre et se développer Avoir un désir de faire une différence; qui veulent aider à façonner l'Europe et le monde Apprécier travailler dans des équipes multi culturelles Produire des résultats You will mainly be based in Brussels or Luxembourg Training: - languages, - skills Travel for work Job mobility Work-life balance Social benefits:- health care, - child care, - European Schools A career with the EU Institutions gives you: Interesting and challenging work that makes a real difference for Europe An environment where you are encouraged to learn new skills and languages The opportunity to work and travel abroad, and work with people from all over Europe A lifetime of different jobs
A day at the assessment centre A day at the assessment centre
Successful Candidate? General overview List of Successful candidates Contact with EU institutions Job Interview Recruitment by EU institution Following the competition, the selection board draws up a reserve list containing the names of successful candidates. The list is then sent to the institutions, since responsibility for recruitment rests solely with them. They will also be sent a document known as a “competency passport” setting out your performance at the assessment centre, which they may use during the recruitment procedure and with a view to your career development. If your name is included on the list of successful candidates, you may be invited by an institution for an interview, but this does not mean you have any right to or guarantee of recruitment. Under the Staff Regulations, recruitment depends on posts and funds becoming available. Recruitment will be at the grade indicated in the competition notice. Reserve list = Data base of successful candidates, Valid for at least 1 year – may be extended. Being on it is no guarantee for a job Institution has a vacancy: - Checks reserve list, - Invites candidates to interview , Job offer to ‘best fit ‘ Candidate accepts offer, or remains on reserve list
When to apply? Spring Graduates – Generalists profiles such as law, public administration, etc. Summer Linguists - Translators, Conference interpreters *languages vary per year Winter non- graduates with experience (Assistants) Specialists when needed (e.g. economists, building specialist, ICT, food safety, contractual staff when needed)
Upcoming Field Language Grade Apply Internal security EUR-28 AST-SC1 25/9-28/10 guards Competition Law, Corporate Finance, Financial Economics, EUR-28 AD7 23/10-25/11 Industrial Economics, Macro Economics Data Protection Officers EUR-28 AD6 6/11-9/12 Parliamentary Assistants EUR-28 AST3 4/12-13/1/15
Other Staff
Seconded National expert Types of staff Contract agent (CAST) Temporary agent Interim staff Freelance Seconded National expert Trainees Fixed-term contracts (CAST) (See also "Temporary contracts") The EU institutions and agencies employ staff on fixed-term contracts to provide additional capacity in specialised fields where there are not enough permanent officials with the required skills. Contracts are offered for specific manual or administrative tasks. They are generally limited in duration – often for an initial period of 6-12 months. Contract staff are recruited from a pool of applicants (kept in a database) following a selection procedure usually organised by the European Personnel Selection Office. The difference between an open competition and a selection procedure for contract staff (CAST) is that: - there is no assessment centre stage - the number of successful candidates is not predefined. Regular annual selection procedures of contract staff for a limited number of generalist profiles such as secretaries, administrative staff, human resources staff, financial managers, auditors, IT and telecommunications specialists, will be introduced soon. The majority of positions are based in Brussels and Luxembourg. European Commission specific rules for employment of contract agents European Parliament specific rules for employment of contract agents Overview of selection procedure There is a two-phased procedure starting with reasoning tests or CV sift (depending upon the profile) followed by a competency test: for generalist profiles, the first step consists of verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning tests for specialist profiles the procedure begins with selection based on qualifications (CV sift) the competency test may be a written, oral or other practical test in the field (for example translating a text). If successful, your name will generally remain in the database for three years. You may apply for one generalist profile and one function group per year only. Temporary contracts (See also Fixed-term contracts) Temporary contracts are offered for a wide variety of highly specialised or temporary tasks, for limited durations , for example in the field of scientific research. Selection and recruitment of temporary staff is generally run by individual EU institutions and agencies. Check regularly for news of current selections and vacancies. You can also introduce your details into the EU CV online database. Interim staff (temps: up to 6 months) Some EU institutions employ local staff through temping agencies on a very short-term basis. Interim consultants Some departments employ consultants directly through tendering procedures. For more information, please consult EU tenders and contracts. Freelance linguists To become a freelance translator for the European Commission, please consult the notices of call for tenders for the Court of Justice, consult the contract notices. To become a freelance interpreter at the European Commission, the European Parliament or the European Court of Justice, please see Interpreting for Europe. Junior Experts in Delegations (JED) The EU's external service delegations, situated in particular in developing countries, employ university graduates from EU countries as junior experts (full members of the administrative and technical staff) for up to two years. For more information, see the Junior Experts in Delegation programme. EU experts (database of experts) Independent experts available to assist an institution or agency in a specific field are invited to create a password-protected profile containing their details (contact details, specialisation, credentials, etc.) in expert databases maintained by individual EU institutions and agencies. They can then be called on for specific tasks as needed. See, for example: Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) European Commission – Humanitarian Aid & Civil protection Seconded national experts National and international civil servants and public sector staff are invited to bring their experience to the EU institutions for a few years, and to take back to their home administration and knowledge of EU policies and procedures gained during their secondment. National experts are selected through a specific procedure. Please contact your country's permanent representation to the EU for information about current opportunities. Maintenance and canteen staff Certain categories of staff such as maintenance workers and canteen staff are recruited via external contracting companies. These contracts are awarded through open tender procedures. Check the contracting services for more information. Top
What and how to apply? Contract agent Selection procedure run by EPSO or Institution/Agency. No Assessment Centre, no predefined number of successful candidates Temporary agent Vacancy published on EPSO website by Institution or Agency (and on their own site). Selection without EPSO. Interim staff Temporary position through local temping agencies. List: …….. Freelance For translation and interpretation profiles. see relevant websites of EU language services Seconded National Expert Secondments of civil servants from Member State governments/bodies to EU institutions in specific fields. Vacancies through Permanent Representations. Trainees In general 5 months – various EU Institutions, Agencies. Competitive selection.
What about… Bulgarian applicants?
Questions? You will find more information and the latest news regarding competitions on the EU Careers website. The Discover EU careers section has information in 23 languages, the other two sections are in English, French and German. For full overview of upcoming selection procedures visit our website - On our facebook page… you can find…also our raconteurs, blogging about their work at the EU institutions. Contextual information - (photo's, videos) Computer Based Tests (CBT) Does your country provide support for your potential EU Career? Variety of Traineeships (also languages, sciences) : Temporary Vacancies: Other: