INTask Standard #6: Assessment The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner.


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Presentation transcript:

Dustin Featherstone Personal Statement Project Education 101 Professor Cale March 5, 2015

INTask Standard #6: Assessment The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making. Name of Artifact: Personal Statement Power Point Project Date: 3/5/2015 Course: EDUC 101 Introduction to Teaching Brief Description: Teaching needs to be done in a way that keeps the students intrigued and not bored. Teaching is not only about learning the material, but is also about being a positive role model and aiding the children to make the right decisions in life. Rationale: Within the scope of my teaching career I will use my teaching characteristics to help engage my students, while still encouraging them to grow and become positive contributions in a democratic society. My learning techniques will be focused around engaging the students, while still being able to assess their growth during the learning process.

Reasons for Wanting to Teach - Children are very impressionable, so I want to show my students that they can do anything that they set their minds too - If one teacher takes a special interest in a student it could make a total life change for that child, and I want to be that teacher that makes an lasting impression. - I want to give my students a hunger for learning - I hope to show each one of my students that they have someone outside of the immediate family that cares for them - Being a positive role model for a child that otherwise wouldn’t have one is my principal reason for wanting to teach - I believe I have a Goodness of Fit when it comes to teaching, which is defined as, “How good a match there may be between your personal qualities and the demands of teaching, (Koch, 2014, Pg. 10).” - Accordingly, I believe I fit well into the teaching profession because my personal qualities line up with the demands of teaching

Effective Teacher Traits - Maintaining a centered presence in the classroom - Encompass the characteristic of leadership - Able to connect with students who normally wouldn’t be able to connect with other teachers - When the subject matter is tough I can teach it in a way that is understandable - Students feel as though they can open up to me - Kail said, “Effective lifelong learning requires smart decisions about how to keep knowledge updated and which approach will work best amount the many learning options available.” - Accordingly, I will stay effective as a teacher because of my desire to stay updated on current knowledge and the best ways to teach the material

Educational Philosophy I want to become the teacher that students can relate to. I want them to see that I care, but at the same time see that I can relate to their circumstances because I have been through similar situations. I want the students to respect me, and to understand that I respect them. I want to be the teacher the students know they can come to if they need anything, while also being the teacher that the students feel the most comfortable around. These qualities make for the most conducive learning environment.

Student Characteristics - I want them to be open to learning - Students that are not hardened to the point that I can not get them to open up - An ideal student would be open to change - Students who can put their trust in me as a teacher - Students who give it their all when I put a new task in front of them

Community Characteristics The community that I want to teach will be a Christian School. I feel as though this will be the best environment for me to be able to truly open up to my students, and show them the tools they need to overcome any obstacle. Not being able to talk about the most important part of learning, which is the Grace of God, would be the hardest part of teaching. This is why the most conducive community environment for me to teach would be one that embraces the ideals of the Bible.

Contributions to the Profession - Opening up the teachers around me to come to embrace the basis of my teaching philosophy - For a lot of students I will be the positive male role model that so many children are lacking today - My major contribution to teaching will be an upbeat classroom that many children are not accustomed too - My classroom atmosphere will have a positive impact on the surrounding teachers that are used to a more mundane teaching environment

References Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2014). Essentials of human development: A life-span view. Koch, J. (2014). Teach Student Edition (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.