OVR 101 An Introduction to the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation – Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services 9/14/2018
Contact Information Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Harrisburg District Office (serves Cumberland, Dauphin, Juniata, Lebanon, Mifflin, and Perry Counties) Forum Place 555 Walnut Street – 8th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-9977 (717) 787-7834 or 1-800-442-6352 9/14/2018
Topics of Discussion What Is OVR? Purpose Of OVR Who Can Be Referred To Or Apply For OVR Services? Employment Barriers What Types Of Services Can OVR Provide? 9/14/2018
What Is OVR? State agency under the Department of Labor & Industry mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and subsequent amendments Eligibility-based; not entitlement program Employment focus Systematic/structured approach All disabilities served (individuals who are blind are served by Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services) Individualized Plans for Employment 9/14/2018
Purpose of OVR To assess, plan, develop, and provide VR services to eligible individuals with disabilities, consistent with individuals’ strengths, resources, interests and informed choice To enable the individual with a disability to prepare for, obtain, and remain in competitive employment 9/14/2018
Who Can Apply for OVR Services? Individual must have a disability. Disability must cause substantial barriers in preparing for, obtaining, or maintaining competitive employment. Individual must want to and have the potential to work. 9/14/2018
Employment Barriers Physical Mobility Dexterity & Coordination Physical Tolerance Personal Behaviors Capacity To Learn Communication Self Direction 9/14/2018
What Services Does OVR Provide? Diagnostic Services, including Vocational Evaluations Vocational Guidance & Counseling Community-Based Work Assessments Job Coaching Restoration Services Training, if applicable Job Placement Assistance 9/14/2018
Referral Process Invite OVR counselor to present to your class about OVR services. Discuss OVR services with your students and parents. Find out if they are interested in being referred for services. Invite OVR counselor to IEP meetings and if possible OVR counselor will try to attend (usually needs notified several weeks in advance in order to arrange schedule) 9/14/2018
Referral Process Although OVR may not be able to provide a cost service while in high school it is important to have the case opened, eligibility completed and a plan in place before the student graduates. Referrals should be made at end of student’s junior year Call counselor to discuss if unsure if a referral should be made. 9/14/2018
Referral Process Complete referral form (A copy is included in your packets) Include documentation Most current IEP Comprehensive evaluation report signed by school psychologist Psychological evaluation report Signed authorization to release information Any vocational assessments 9/14/2018
Partners in Transition: Leads to future success for students High School Student OVR 9/14/2018