November Akin Elementary Frog News Home of the Can Do Kids! “like” us on Facebook for the most updated information! P M Akin Facebook page. Upcoming Events 11/7-18 READ-A-THON *see below 11/11 7:30am Frog Fest - Wear Red, White and Blue 11/10 Thanksgiving Lunch *during regular lunch times **see below 11/17 UIL at Cox 11/18 Picture Re-Takes 11/18 Frog Fest 11/21—25 Thanksgiving Break – No School Jump Rope for Heart If you haven’t already, please register for our school team at Our students are working on their jump rope skills and learning about heart health. Please join the Zoo Crew with a donation to the American Heart Association. With a donation, your child will earn a lanyard and various members of the Zoo Crew. Thanks for your help News from the Library Counselor News Read-A-Thon has started! November 7-18, 2016 Your child should have received a letter telling you how to sign up for the Read-A-Thon, along with how to ask for donations. All students that set up their Read-A-Thon webpage will get a prize. The more donations your child gets the more prizes they will receive. The person that raises the most money will receive a $25.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble, along with a $25.00 gift card to Meteor Hamburgers in Wylie. You can take cash donations also. Place the money in an envelope with Read-A-Thon written on it along with your child's name and teacher’s name. Reading for the Read-A-Thon will take place during school hours, November 7-18, 2016. But start getting donations now. If you have any questions please contact me at Thank you so much for supporting the Akin Library where Reading Counts Volunteer Background Check Form: Peachjar eflyers:®ion=42142
Notes from Nurse Melissa Thanksgiving Lunch Notes from Nurse Melissa