Assignment # 4.1 Following WWI the following trends emerged in America. Why do you think each one emerged at this time? Nativism Isolationism Fear of Communism (Red Scare) End of Progressivism (Return to laissez--faire government) Rise of the KKK
Social Changes of the 1920s
I. Increasing hostilities between urban and rural was of life
A. In urban areas people were getting married and having children later in life and the younger generation expressed themselves in bizarre ways.
Discussion How does your generation distinguish itself from the generations that came before.
B. The south saw a rise in fundamentalism - a strict interpretation of the bible 1. Laws were passed banning the teaching of evolution in schools
2. John Scopes was put on trial for teaching evolution in the classroom.
II. 18th Amendment (Prohibition) A II. 18th Amendment (Prohibition) A. Outlawed the manufacture, transportation, and sale of “highly intoxicating” beverages B. A victory for the countryside against the city dwellers
C. Smuggling became a major business, bootleggers learned how to manufacture “bathtub gin” and provided alcohol to people illegally.
D. The saloon disappeared, replaced by the speakeasy, a supposedly secret bar or club, operating under the benevolent eye of the local police
E. During the prohibition era a new ideal emerged for some women, the flapper; an emancipated young women who embraced the new fashion and attitudes of the day.
F. Organized Crime Average criminals now had “socially accepted” jobs in the bootlegging business. Bootlegging played a significant part in the formation of organized crime in every major city. Bloody gang wars erupted over control of bootlegging.
G. Failures of prohibition a G. Failures of prohibition a. Members of Congress catered to the demands of both sides by outlawing alcohol but didn't’t provide funds to enforce it b. It caused more problems then the ones it was meant to solve c. The 18th amendment was repelled with the 21st amendment
IV. Popular Culture A. Motion pictures and the radio were popular forms of entertainment.
B. The extraordinary popularity of sports in the postwar period can be explained in a number of ways. -People had more money to spend and more free time to fill