On the surface & Under the surface RT QUESTIONING.


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Presentation transcript:

On the surface & Under the surface RT QUESTIONING

The Questioning Tree What do you see? What do you know is there, but just cant see?

The Questioning Tree On the Surface Questions These are questions in which the answer can be seen. Typical OTS? Starters: Who? What? When? Where? How Many?

The Questioning Tree Under the Surface Questions These are questions in which the answer cannot be seen, but can be inferred. Typical UTS? Starters: Why? How? Could? Should Would?

Could the people of France successfully win their revolution? What weapons are the revolutionaries using?

What colors are the flag? Why are these people revolting?

Create On The Surface Questions

Create Under The Surface Questions

Create On the Surface Questions The First Estate were the clergy, the Second Estate the nobles, and the Third Estate everyone else. Thus the Third Estate included anyone from the lowest peasant to the wealthiest merchant. The First Estate, or clergy, numbered about 130,000 out of a population of 27 million and owned about 10% of the land. These owners were not poor parish priests, but cardinals, bishops, and the heads of monasteries. Usually, well-to-do clergy were from the noble families and shared their outlook and interests. Page 212 Paragraph #1

Create Under the Surface Questions The First Estate were the clergy, the Second Estate the nobles, and the Third Estate everyone else. Thus the Third Estate included anyone from the lowest peasant to the wealthiest merchant. The First Estate, or clergy, numbered about 130,000 out of a population of 27 million and owned about 10% of the land. These owners were not poor parish priests, but cardinals, bishops, and the heads of monasteries. Usually, well-to-do clergy were from the noble families and shared their outlook and interests. Page 212 Paragraph #1

Create On the Surface Questions The Second Estate, or nobility, numbered about 350,000 and owned 25 to 30 percent of the land. They played a crucial role in society in the 1700s. They held leading positions in the government, in the military, in the law courts, and in the Roman Catholic Church. Despite the fact that they controlled most of the wealth of the kingdom, neither the clergy nor the nobles had to pay the taille, the chief tax. Page 212 Paragraph #2

Create Under the Surface Questions The Second Estate, or nobility, numbered about 350,000 and owned 25 to 30 percent of the land. They played a crucial role in society in the 1700s. They held leading positions in the government, in the military, in the law courts, and in the Roman Catholic Church. Despite the fact that they controlled most of the wealth of the kingdom, neither the clergy nor the nobles had to pay the taille, the chief tax. Page 212 Paragraph #2

Create On the Surface Questions Unlike the First and Second Estates, The Third Estate were divided by vast differences in occupation, level of education, and wealth. Peasants made up from 75 to 80 percent of the Third Estate and owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land; middle class members of the Third Estate owned the rest. At least half of the peasants had little or no land to live on. Page 213 Paragraph #3

Create Under the Surface Questions Unlike the First and Second Estates, The Third Estate were divided by vast differences in occupation, level of education, and wealth. Peasants made up from 75 to 80 percent of the Third Estate and owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land; middle class members of the Third Estate owned the rest. At least half of the peasants had little or no land to live on. Page 213 Paragraph #3