The Canada’s & the Rebellions Chapter 1: Horizons Ms. Pasichnyk
Upper Canada This part of Canada was run by the “Family Compact”: privileged upper class Ontario region
the “Chateau Clique”, also privileged upper class. Lower canada Southern Quebec Region This region was run by the “Chateau Clique”, also privileged upper class.
Issues in Lower Canada (Imbalance of power) Leader of Rebellion: Louis Joseph Papineau. Patriotes: his rebel followers. Discrimination against French Unequal taxation Lack of power within government: controlled by the monarchy 3 Major Issues:
Upper Canada’s Issues Leader of Reform Movement: William Lyon Mackenzie Major political problems Wanted an American style of government with democracy, but many people feared this type of government as they feared the Americans as their “enemy”. Land issues: unfair allocation and pricing
Why did the 1837 Rebellions fail? They were not well planned or coordinated They lacked enough troops There was NO support from the Catholic Church
Lord Durham After the 1837 Rebellions, the British government appointed him the Governor-in-Chief of the Canada’s. His ideas were largely unsupported, so he resigned, left the Canada’s and finished his report in Britain.
Result of Durham Report: 2 Key Recommendations Unite Upper & Lower Canada: Act of Union in 1841 Implement Responsible Government (this was complete by 1848)
Durham showed extreme prejudice against the French with his goal of trying to assimilate the French into English culture. French-Canadians had no ‘voice’ in government until 1843. Even today, conflict remains between the French & English, especially in Quebec. French Reaction :(
Native Peoples of UC & LC Were at the bottom of the social structure & basically unrecognized Refer to p. 37, Figure 1-29
Works Cited Horizons Textbook: Chapter 1; Canada’s Emerging Identity Text: Chapter 2