Brett F. Dean, Graduate Programs, Aeronautical Science Gliding Unmanned Meteorological Platform (GUMP) Brett F. Dean, Graduate Programs, Aeronautical Science S-14 The Problem Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) is only as good as the initialization derived from surface, upper-air, and remotely sensed observations as well as from data from previous model runs. There are 1547 bi-daily upper air observations that are used for verification, NWP initialization, and calibration of the satellite data. Globally, there are approximately 800 radiosonde stations launching two sondes a day with an estimated annual cost of $113,000 per station.[1] A National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) manuscript focuses experimentation in a model’s initial conditions, the number of reporting upper air stations, and the missing or erroneous data’s effect on 24-36 hour model precipitation forecasts. It was determined that detailed mesoscale precipitation forecasts were considerably altered by the omission upper-air sounding data. [2] [] Top left to bottom right: Assimilated Observations (10,031), Total Assimilated Observations (68,015), Aircraft Observations (24,612), Upper-Air Radiosondes (1,547) Assimilations: Polar Satellites Aircraft Surface and Ship Observations GPS Satellite wind observations Almost the entire Southern Hemisphere and tropical latitudes are dependent upon satellite sounding data with no radiosonde observations available for calibration. The lack of reporting stations in these regions are primarily due to the economic burden it places upon developing countries and the limited resources of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). [1] . 2012 greater than 3 standard deviations warmer than the mean. * Note the 5 coldest years all occur in the first 30 years of the data set. [National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2012] The Development Project history: First developed in a white paper written by Dr. Dean Lauritsen of UCAR in 1990 and patented in 1993 (U.S. Patent 5,186,418). Shared with the University of Oklahoma under Dr. Wayne Howard in 1997 and patented a second time in 2000 (U.S. Patent 6,144,899). Using the US patent designs and authorization from UCAR intellectual property, the project was also developed by a New Zealand start up company called “DataBird”. Embry-Riddle has been in contact with both Dr. Lauritsen and Dr. Howard whom both would like to see this concept come to fruition. Embry-Riddle is currently working with the FAA on aviation NextGen. Embry-Riddle’s glidersonde (GUMP) is to be outfitted with automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) both in and out. This will make the version unique to Embry- Riddle and the glidersonde visible to aviation using NextGen technology. . Example of glidersonde launch and recovery. [] U.S Patent 5,186,418, The Mission Altitude vs. time. [ Testing and Utilization. Testing is currently scheduled to occur Spring 2015 using the restricted airspace available through Embry-Riddle’s partnership with NASA and the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF). The 700 gram GUMP is deployed using a 1000 gram weather balloon and collects data much like current radiosondes. The UAS will be electronically visible to aviation using ADS-B therefore making it safer than radiosondes currently in use. Multiple landing sites can be programmed so that should the GUMP encounter conditions making return to the original launch site impossible it will divert automatically to a pre-arranged secondary recovery point. Embry-Riddle will continue to test the GUMP in conjunction with a Doppler on Wheels (DOW), National Science Foundation (NSF) Facilities Grant. This will enable Embry-Riddle students to ‘storm chase’ sea breeze collision convection collecting both upper air data and corresponding Doppler imaging. The SLF’s position around the Indian River basin is known to have explosive secondary convection as storms drift back to the east in the evenings. There are hopes of catching a vertical profile and Doppler imaging of the rapidly developing, short lived, EF-0 and EF-1 sea breeze collision tornados known to occur in this area. DOW area of Operation for Field Course Restricted SLF air space to operate DOW and GUMP Anticipated results: Over $70,000 savings per year, per station Demonstration of increased safety through NextGen technology Re-categorization of GUMP from UAS under FAR Sec. 333 to same category as current radiosondes Soundings on demand when conditions warrant Increased reporting stations globally to improve NWP Reduced financial burden on WMO [1] A Viable Alternative for Conducting Cost Effective Daily Atmospheric Soundings in Developing Countries. (BAMS Volume 95, Number 6, June 2014, pp 837-842). Danvers, MA: Lafon, Fowler, Jiménez, and Cordoba. [2] Mesoscale Predictability of the “Surprise” Snowstorm of 24-25 January 2000. NCAR Manuscript, 2001. F. Zhang ADS-B and GPS waypoint auto-pilot system allowing multiple recovery sites.