Intensive Training. Training for All YASHADA Pune
LoA LoA was signed between DoPT and Director General, YASHADA in September 2008 to implement the Intensive Training Programme
Initial Selection of Transport Department One Department Training from Top to Bottom. Proposal sent to Transport Commissioner on dated 24.12.2007. Proposal to DoPT on 19.03.2008. Approval From DoPT. 30.09.2008
Follow up Action with Transport Department. Principal Secretary, Home (Transport) 20.09.2008 Dy. Commissioner 07.10.2008. Visit of Director (Training) to Transport Department 10.09.2008 Presentation about the overall project to all Senior Officers of the Transport Department on 29.11.2008. Principal Secretary, Home (Transport) 21.03.2009. Director General YASHADA requested the Principal Secretary, Home (Transport) to expedite the process and take the decision immediately 18.03.2009. Hon. Minister for Transport 14.05.2009. Director General, YASHADA, discussed this issue with Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra 04.07.2009 Unwillingness from Transport Department 07.07.2009
Initiatives for the Project in Nanded District Director General directed and accorded approval for considering Nanded District under this Training for All project on 15.07.2009 Meeting at Nanded District MoU 11.08.2009
TNA & DoT Workshop of District level officers for TNA were conducted on 10.08.2009, 11.08.2009, 31.08.2009, 01.09.2009 and 02,09.2009 Design of Training Design of Training
Training of Trainers (ToT) arranged in two batches; and 17.01.2011 to 20.01.2011.
Stages of Training and Selection of Departments 1st stage, all village level functionaries in the seven Departments i.e. 1.Revenue 2.Rural Development 3.Agriculture 4.Cooperation 5.Health 6.Education and 7. Women and Child Development. 2nd stage, Supervisory Officers of all village level functionaries of the seven Departments (Block level functionaries) 3rd stage, Controlling Officers of all village level functionaries of the seven Departments (District level functionaries) 4th stage, all staff and officers of the departments other than the above seven.
Overall Plan for the training programme in Nanded district Category Class Total A B C D Government 490 1255 7657 3169 12571 Zilla Parishad 206 1371 7701 1343 10621 Municipality -- 13 236 546 795 Municipal corporation Breakup not available 1701 25688
1st Stage, Training of Village Level Functionaries first programme from dt.29..01.2011 to 12.02.2011, the training for 470 village level functionaries from two blocks in four batches, for four days duration was arrenged. Total 360 (77%) participants were present Cadre No. of participants Talathi/ Circle Officer 23 Health Worker 60 Gramsevak 62 Anganwadi Worker/ Supervisor 165 Agri. Assisatant/ Supervisor 37 Head Master Primary School 4 Secretary V.K.S. society 9 Total 360
Second programme from dt. 24. 04. 2011 to 30. 04 Second programme from dt.24..04.2011 to 30.04.2011, the training for 917 village level functionaries from four blocks, in two batches of four days duration. Cadre No. of participants Talathi/ Circle Officer 97 Health Worker 222 Gramsevak 156 Anganwadi Worker/ Supervisor 346 Agri. Assisatant/ Supervisor 50 Secretary V.K.S. society 46 Total 917 In District there are 16 blocks. Total 6643 village level functionaries.and six blocks will be covered
Expenditure and Utilisation Certificate Rs 25 Lakh & Rs 5.15 Lakh Total Rs.30.15 utilisation certificate on 1-3-2011 Rs 19.85 Lakh received on 3-3-2011.
Water and Sanitation sector Funds provided Rs 30 lakh. Under progress.