History-Taking & Physical Examination in Vascular Diseases
Aim – To reach for a Presumptive Diagnosis
How to take the History Establish a rapport with patient introduce yourself. Initiate by asking – what made him to seek medical advice. Listen without interruption. Wait for answers before asking another question.
Don’ts of history taking Do not interrupt the patient. Do not use medical terminology. Do not ask irrelevent questions Do not ask leading questions. Do not be abrupt or impatient.
The Present Complains Ask the patient to tell you what made him to seek medical advice. Record the answer in patients words.
History of Presenting Complains Details of the history of the main complaints. - when did it start - what was the first thing noticed - progress since then - ever had it before.
History of Presenting Complains S – Site O – Onset C – Character R – Radiation A – Association T – Timing/Duration E – Exacerbating & alleviating factors S - Severity
Direct Questioning Specific questions about the diagnosis you have in mind. - Risk factors. - Review of relevant system.
Past Medical History Drug History Family History Social History Habits
Vascular Diseases - Arterial - Venous - Lymphatic
Arterial Diseases Electively – Chronic Symptoms Acutely – Limb threatening disorders Pain Intermittent Claudication Rest pain Tissue loss Ulcer Gangrene
Acute arterial occlusion Sudden onset Severe, Shocking pain Diffuse Associated Symptoms
Chronic Arterial Insuffciency: Intermittent Claudication Site – depends on the level & extent of arterial disease - Cramp like pain - Consistantly reproduced by same level of exercise - Completely & quickly relieved by rest - Claudication distance
Rest Pain - continuous severe pain, aching in nature - occurs in distal part of foot - often relieved by putting the leg below the level of heart - movement or pressure causes exacerbn.
Ulcer – area of discontinuity of surface epithelium Gangrene – Dead tissue - Duration, Site. - what drew the patient’s attention to the ulcer - other symptoms - progression - persistance - multiplicity
Examination Inspection - Expose - Compare
Look For
Ulcer site, shape, size, no. edge, floor, deapth, discharge, surrounding area. Base
Vascular Angle Or Buerger’s angle Normal-straight leg can be raised by 90* & foot rmains pink. Ischemia – elevation to 15-30*cause pallor Dependant rubor
Venous Filling Normal – veins of foot are full of blood Ischemia – veins are collapsed & looks like pale blue gutters - Guttering of veins
Palpation Temperature which foot – warm/cold. level at which change occurs Tenderness Capillary filling
Feel for P. pulses & grade
Peripheral Nerves Examination - Sensory - Motor Auscultation - Bruit
Venous diseases Common Presentation - Varicose veins Asyptomatic, Cosmetic, Dull aching pains, Feeling of heaviness, Itching/Eczema, superficial thrombophlebitis, bleeding, Ulceration, Saphenavarix.
Primary – Venous valve failure Secondary – Post thrombotic - Congenital Malformations
Examine both supine & standing
Touniquet Test –Identify clinically site of reflux from deep to superficial veins -Identify incompetant perforators – tie tourniquet above suspected perforator
Lymphatic diseases Lymphangitis – inflamation of lymphatics. Lymphedema – faiure of lymph drainage. Protein rich fluid accumulates in tissue
Lymphedema Primary - congenital – at birth - Precox - adolescence - Tarda - middle age Lymphatic abnormalities – aplasia, hypoplasia, hyperplasia.
Secondary : Infection Surgery Radiation Trauma