Demographic Study for New Marketing Strategy by Allen Hoerle
Rank 6 Median Income x + Rank 5 x Mileage Buffers + Rank 4 x Towns + Sum of Weights 0.30 Rank 6 Median Income Weights associated with each income level x + Sum of Weights 0.40 Rank 5 Mileage Buffers Weight associated with each distance buffer x + Sum of Weights 0.20 Rank 4 Towns Weights associated with each town x + Sum of Weights 0.15 Rank 3 Renter v. Owner Weights associated with owner and renter Majority population x + Sum of Weights 0.05 Rank 2.5 Female v. Male Weights associated with gender distribution x + Rank 0.5 Sum of Weights 0.05 Note: Ranks based on indications voiced in Needs assessment Race Weights associated with racial distribution x 1.00
GIS Suitability Analysis: An Application for Ripley Central School Amber Lauzon April 12, 2006 GEO 559 8th Grade Backpacking Club Trail Identification
Objective: To identify suitable routes for the Ripley Backpacking Club to follow for the 2007 hikes Trails Exercises
Locating Suitable Sites for a New Public Golf Course within Erie County Brian Dudek GEO 479 April 24, 2006
Conceptual Design Factors (criteria) Income Competing Businesses (Public) Land Usage/Cover Population (Age 18-64) Soil Types Elevation Differences Distance to Main Roads
Final Suitability Index 1 - Unsuitable 10 – Most Suitable Possible Ideal Location (Layer1 * Weight + Layer2 * Weight…/Total Weight)
Erie County Soil Erosion Susceptibly Chad Downie
<- Raster Calculator weighting the layers Final Calculated Map ->
<- 3D of final calculation draped on DEM Final calculation draped over TIN of DEM ->
Using GIS to Determine Best Locations for Future ATMs in Buffalo, NY April 24th, 2006 Cheick T. Diarra GEO 479 Environmental Modeling University at Buffalo
Reclassified ATMs distance
Suitability map
Crime Density Map in 3D with ATMs
Colleen Keifer GEO559 April 26, 2005 A multi-level ‘hot spot’ analysis of Buffalo, NY using 2005 gun-related 911 call data. Colleen Keifer GEO559 April 26, 2005
Pushpin and Density Maps
C district ‘hot spot’ region
Daisy Henderson Sociology Department Robberies in Buffalo, NY A Revisitation of Social Disorganization Theory
Density Maps of Robberies in Buffalo, NY
Methods to determine additional PCB testing on the LOOW site Dave Roberts University at Buffalo/Geography
Final Map Spatial Interpolation (inverse weighted distance) and Buffers of 50ft, 100ft, 150ft are combined to show possible area’s for further PCB testing.
Findings and Future Analysis 2 main areas of concern are found on the LOOW site. Additional testing can be done within the buffer regions. Additional testing can be done to find how PCBs are being transported. Conducting additional (sediment) tests directly north of the main contaminated site and studying the drainage networks on the site may provide insight into rate and medium of transportation. If sample depth was provided then a more conclusive study could be conducted in the future of PCB transportation.
Representation of Rainfall Data in GIS using NEXRAD and Rain Gauges Deelesh Mandloi GEO 559
Calculate MAP Method 2 : Using Spatial Interpolation (IDW)
Calculate MAP Method 3 : Using NEXRAD MPE Grids
Canada Geese At UB: Friendly or Fowl? Jessica Walsh MA Student Physical Geography and Environmental Systems
Why Here? This map shows Erie County, its wetlands, and hydrography. UB North Campus is located at the blue oval. As you can see, we have close access to wetland habitats and running streams, both of which are attractive to geese. And the human handouts don’t hurt either!
Digitized Model of Ellicott Complex Habitat
UB Shuttle new Bus Stop and Route GEO-559 Jose Humberto Covarrubias Rocha April, 2006
OPERATIONS Final result shows in darker areas, the most suitable for placing a new UB 30% + 20% = 35% + 15%
Lee M. Gordon Physical Geography and Environmental Systems April, 2006 FLOW ROUTING ALGORITHMS: CALCULATING DRAINAGE AREAS USED TO LOCATE EPHEMERAL GULLIES IN A DIGITAL DOMAIN Lee M. Gordon Physical Geography and Environmental Systems April, 2006
Classic Gully Erosion
Flow Routing Algorithms Single flow Steepest descent (Mark, 1984) Multiple flow Flux Decomposition (Desmet and Govers, 1996)
GIS for Environmental Modeling GEO 479 GIS for Rail Trails Project Matthew Cascarino April, 2006
IV Methodology and Procedures Railroads Project to NAD83 Query Abandoned Intersect to county Wetlands Buffer 1 Land Use To Raster Select Wetlands Convert to Raster Reclassify Project to NAD83 Population Density 2 Population OVERLAY Convert to Raster Reclassify Raster Calculator Project to NAD83 Digitize Shoreline Buffer 3 Shoreline Straight-line Dist Suitability Ranking Convert to Raster Reclassify
XI View-Shed Surface Spatial Analysis View from Rail Trail in ArcScene Blue = Visible Brown = Not
3D Image, Built Up with respect to each structures height, View-shed analysis, Varying colors indicate degrees of visible area.
Arc-Scene Built Up Road Network DEM