Objective of the lesson Program your Sphero to perform a synchronised dance All of you will: Plan a Sphero dance party Most of you will: Program your Sphero to perform a party dance Some of you will: Improve your program to make your Sphero sync more efficiently with the music
Sphero Dance Party Ready for a Sphero Dance Party? The Sphero team loves music! We challenge you to program Sphero to dance along to your favorite song. Supplies: Something to play music from Choose your favorite song! Will Sphero dance to dubstep beats or flow elegantly to classical music? Listen to the song you want to use and choose the part(s) you want Sphero to dance to. (You don't have to use the entire song.)
Sphero Dance Party
Plan your dance on paper. Write out what you want Sphero to do. Sphero Dance Party Plan your dance on paper. Write out what you want Sphero to do. e.g. during the chorus of the song, flash purple-green-purple-green; spin in place; roll; zig zag; flash rainbow colours. Program your dance! Test it to make sure it syncs to the song
Sphero Dance Party
Sphero Dance Party Is Sphero a pro dancer? What worked? What did not work? Do you need to improve anything?