When: January 24, 2018 4:30-6 PM Registration/Vendor Booths Join our panel of experts as they discuss… Communities in Crisis: Challenges in Managing IVDA Patients When: January 24, 2018 4:30-6 PM Registration/Vendor Booths 6-8 Dinner / Presentation / Q&A 8-9 Networking Where: The Marriott Columbus University Area 3100 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, OH 43202 Register: govan8.wildapricot.org by 1/19/18 Members are free Nonmember joining GOVAN $35 Nonmember event only $25 Panel includes: Law Enforcement, EMS, Physician, Case Management, Pharmacy, Nursing Come early to visit our numerous Vendor Booths and get a free entry for our raffle (wine and cheese basket). Bring your $$ for more chances to win.