Career Vocabulary Mrs. Kissling
Career- Example: teacher, accountant, police officer. An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. Example: teacher, accountant, police officer.
Skill/Ability- Something you can do; a developed talent I am a good cook.
Trait My characteristics are happy, outgoing, and inquisitive. A part of your personality
Values- How you rate things in your life. The most important thing in life is my family.
Interests- Things we like to do and attract our attention. I love to read, eat at good restaurants, and spend time with my family.
Aptitude A natural talent and capacity for learning certain areas.
Pre-requisite- A requirement that must be fulfilled prior to moving on. Example-you take algebra 1 before algebra 2 or Spanish 1 before Spanish 2.
ACT and SAT tests College entrance exams that need to be taken before or during your high school senior year. All Wisconsin state schools require the ACT test. Most students take these during their junior year. Many private colleges require both the ACT and SAT
Admission Requirements: What you need to have to get into a school. Start looking NOW!
Diploma- A document issued by a school saying that the graduate has earned a degree or completed a program. Example: high school diploma
Associate Degree- a two-year college degree from a community college, university, college, or career school. Associate's degrees are normally earned with about sixty college credits, including general education courses, electives, and courses required toward a specific college major. Examples: Associate Degree in Nursing Assoc. Degree in Auto Repair
Bachelor’s Degree- (also known as an undergraduate degree) A degree awarded to an individual after completion of undergraduate course work usually taking 4 years. Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) (More language, humanities, liberal arts) Bachelor’s of Science (BS) (More science and math heavy)
Master’s Degree- (also known as a graduate degree) An academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. You must earn a BA or BS first. It usually takes 1 to 2 years of study. Masters degree business (MBA) Masters degree in education Masters degree in art
Ph. D. (Doctorate Degree) Stands for Doctor of Philosophy - a degree awarded for original contributions to knowledge. The highest earned. Usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation. Examples: Ph. D. in Education Administration (Dr. Busler)
Vocational/Technical School A post-secondary educational institution designed to provide vocational education, or technical skills required to perform the tasks of a particular and specific job. Offers degree programs in many different areas, especially skilled trades Usually 2 years or less MATC Blackhawk Technical College
Trade School- Madison Media Institute Martin’s School of Cosmetology A school that offers instruction in one or two particular areas. people learn how to do a job that requires special skills Madison Media Institute Martin’s School of Cosmetology
Apprenticeship A program where individuals learn on-the-job and also take classes. Plumbers Electricians Cosmetologist
College Ripon College Mount Mary College Beloit College School of Business College of Agriculture College of Letters and Sciences An institution of higher learning that grants the bachelor’s degree in liberal arts or science or both OR An undergraduate division of a university that grants degrees in a particular field
University- University of Wisconsin—Madison Boston University An institution with teaching and research facilities that grants both undergraduate as well as graduate degrees (master’s, degree and PhD). They are usually bigger than a college. University of Wisconsin—Madison Boston University University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Career Cluster A career cluster is group of careers that share common features. The related careers are related by skills or products.
Career Pathway A career pathway is an organized approach to career planning. Creating a career pathway means plotting a course for identifying occupational interests, determining education and training needs and establishing an action plan for reaching career goals. A personal pathway may point to a certain high school curriculum, a college or vocational school education, or specialized job training.