Welcome to North Newton Elementary!!! 221 West 26th Street, Newton, NC 28658 Phone: 828-464-2631 Fax: 828-464-5891 Miss Krystalle Hewitt
Important Information: Tardy Bell rings at 8:15 am. Dismissal begins at 3:15 pm. No sign outs after 2:00pm unless you have a doctor’s note. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:35 am. Please make sure your child is here early enough to eat breakfast if they have not eaten at home. This year, there will be no breakfast served after 8:15 am. Remember our school has a Kiss and Go Policy. All of this information and more can be found in the front of your child’s agenda. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please stop by the office to pick up information. Your child will receive a plastic name tag to be used for lunch and to check out books at the library. This name tag remains at school. If the name tag is broken or lost there is a $5.00 replacement fee.
Our Daily Schedule: 7:35 Breakfast begins 8:15-8:30 Homeroom 8:30-9:10 BARK 9:15-9:45 Recess 9:45-10:55 Math until lunch (11:10) 11:00-11:40 Lunch (Hewitt goes at 11:10) 11:35-1:00 Guided Reading/Letterland 1:00-1:44 Specials 1:44-2:15 Writing 2:15-3:15 Science/Social Studies A Day- Art B Day- Computers C Day- Library D Day- PE
Specials – 1:00-1:44 A day- MAD B day- Computer C day- Library D day- PE
Dress Code: No Flip Flops No Spaghetti Straps, Halter Tops, etc. No really loose fitting clothing that could be dangerous while playing outside or in PE. Your child should wear appropriate clothing to school everyday. Wear shoes that are appropriate for the playground, blacktop, and for gym class.
Materials for 2nd grade: 2- large glue sticks 1 pack- #2 pencils 3 packs- Wide ruled notebook paper 1 pack- 24 count crayons 2- Large pink erasers 3- Black/White composition notebooks (NO SPIRAL BOUND) 3- Poly folders with pockets Wish List Clorox wipes Kleenex Dry erase markers Pencils Zip lock bags (all sizes)
Agendas Check and Sign your child’s Agenda EVERYDAY! This is a great way to communicate on a daily basis. Any money sent to school must be sent in your child’s money envelope (in the front of the agenda). This money must be dated and labeled on the envelope so we know what it is for. Agendas are free this year!!! If your child has a change of transportation, I must have a letter stating the change and how they will be getting home or the school must be called. If I do not have a note or if the school is not called, I am not allowed to send your child home by the change of transportation. This is for your child’s safety and the child’s safety comes first ALWAYS!
Procedures and Consequences: B-be prepared A-act responsibility R-respect others K-keep safe We will be using a clip system this year. Students will move their clip up and down the chart according to their behavior throughout the day. Students work habit grades will come from where they have moved their clip. If their clip is moved down, then they will have the opportunity to move it back up after the behavior is corrected. All students begin on ready to learn and move their stars accordingly throughout the day. Chart levels Super student Great job Ready to learn Think about it Teacher’s choice Parent contact *We will have several weeks of learning the rules and our new routines.
We are looking forward to having a wonderful year with you and your child! Contact Information: Shane Whitener(Principal): shane.whitener@n-ccs.org Krystalle Hewitt (Teacher): krystalle.hewitt@n-ccs.org Jill Hager (Instructional Coach): jill.hager@n-ccs.org Once school begins please visit our classroom website for information and to read about what’s going on in our room. Thornton’s Website: www.newton.tes.schoolfusion.us .If you have any questions feel free to call 828-464-2631 or email me. Thank You for your time and we look forward to seeing you this week!