Protect Your Computer Against Harmful Attacks!
What Can Harm You? Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Phishing Scams Beware of Threats to You and Your Computer What Can Harm You? Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Phishing Scams Spyware Protection
What Are Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses? A virus is a program that can copy itself and infect your computer without your permission or knowledge. A worm spreads without your action and distributes complete copies of itself across networks. A trojan horse masks as a useful program but actually does damage.
What Can These Programs Do? Viruses may damage hardware, software, or data. Worms may exhaust memory or bandwidth. A trojan horse may damage hardware, software, or data while appearing to be useful.
How Do You Protect Yourself? Never open E-mail attachments from unknown senders. Be careful sharing files. Back up files often. Use anti-virus software and keep it current.
What Is Phishing? A fraudulent E-mail designed to steal your personal information such as passwords, bank account information, credit card numbers, or other valuable information.
How Does Phishing Work? A deceptive E-mail is sent appearing to come from a Web site you trust and may contain requests for personal information from you. logos from real organizations stolen from legitimate Web sites. links to “spoofed” Web sites.
What Should You Look For? Watch for the following catch phrases in e-mail you believe is fraudulent: “Verify your account information” “If you don’t respond within 48 hours, your account will be closed.” “Click the link below to gain access to your account” Organizations should not ask you to send passwords, login name, Social Security numbers, or other personal information through E-mail
What Does a Phishing Filter Do? Scans visited Web sites for characteristics of known online frauds and scams and warns if the site is suspicious Includes an online service that blocks you from confirmed scams Provides a way to report suspicious sites or scams
What is Spyware? Software designed to take partial control of your computer without your knowledge and without obtaining your permission.
What does spyware do? Invades your privacy Transmits information about you online Blasts you with pop up ads Changes your home page or search engine Adds new, unwanted toolbars to browser Slows down or crashes your computer Most harmful forms of spyware can record your keystrokes allowing the capture of passwords, login info, id numbers, SS#s, and bank info
How do You Defend Against Spyware? Download anti-spyware software. Only download from sites you trust. Read privacy statements and license agreements. Close pop-up ads with the red x.
How Do You Protect Your Computer? Use a firewall. Update your operating system. Use up-to-date antivirus software. Use a phishing filter. Use up-to-date antispyware software.
Resources The information provided in this presentation includes information obtained from: OnGuard Online Microsoft Online Safety Microsoft Security: 4 Steps to Protect your computer