AngularJS Training In Hyderabad AngularJS Training In Hyderabad
About Kmrsoft Best Angular Js Training in Hyderabad. KMRsoft offers Angular Js classroom, online, corporate trainings with 100% live projects by real time experts with low fees, free demo in Hyderabad,Telangana.
Angular Js training institutes Hyderabad
Introduction to AngularJS Angular JSis anopen-sourceweb application framework mainly maintainedbyGoogle andby a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.
Why To ChooseKmrsoft SSimplified Training. EExperienced Team Of Expert Trainers. FFlexible Training Delivery Options. HHigh Quality & Cost Effective Training.
Angular JS
Featuresof AngularJS TwoWay Data-Binding–Thiswillsave you from writing a considerable amount of boilerplate code. Directives – Directives allows you to change the behavior of HTML tags. AngularJS have a lots of pre-built directives Templates - In AngularJS, a template is just plain-old-HTML MVC - For implementing MVC you just need to split your app and rest all is managed by AngularJS Dependency Injection - The whole application built in AngularJS is linked by dependency injection
Advantages of angular js Magical Two-Way data binding. Routing Support Structure front end code Templating with HTML Teach HTML new syntax with directives Embeddable, testable, and injectable Powered by Google and an active community
Angular Js Online Training In Hyderabad
Contact Us Address : K MR Software Services Pvt Ltd Flat no 202 Plot no:575, Sudharsan plaza, KPHB 6th Phase Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana
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