GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System Updates Andrea Molod GMAO Staff
GEOS FP system major upgrade on January 24, 2017: e5131fp f516fp Transition from Hybrid 3D-Var to Hybrid 4D En-Var assimilation system Doubled horizontal resolution from ~25 km to ~12.5-km Re-tuning of many aspects of moist physics Aerosol module (GOCART) now includes nitrates Led to improvements in forecast skill score Note: present GEOS FP file specification is unchanged from previous system. Upcoming system changes will include output on the cubed sphere grid at a horizontal resolution to be determined.
Improvements in forecast skill score RMS Error RMS Error Anomaly Corr f516 e5131 Anomaly Corr Anomaly Corr Anomaly Corr
Transition from Hybrid 3D-Var to Hybrid 4D En-Var Surface U analysis increment: Single obs case 3DVar Hybrid 3D-Var Hybrid 4D-EnVar -3h 0h +3h -3h 0h +3h -3h 0h +3h Courtesy of: Amal El Akkraoui
Re-tuning of many aspects of moist physics Diff Conv Mass Flux Conv Mass Flux at 800 mb
Re-tuning of many aspects of moist physics Diff Cloud Fraction Cloud Ice Content
Re-tuning of many aspects of moist physics Short-Wave Diabatic Heating Diff Short-Wave Diabatic Heating Specific Humidity
Implications of change in moist physics Diff V-wind PBL Height
Re-tuning of many aspects of moist physics Cloud Top Pressure
GEOS-5 Systems WIKI page - General user information and links: GMAO at IGC8: Steven Pawson ( - Head of Office Andrea Molod ( Clara Orbe ( Christoph Keller (