What is time management? Time management is about organizing, planning and conducting two things: - your time - your tasks Managing your time Time is different than any of your other resources. It can't be saved, stored or inventoried for later use. "Use it or lose it" is apropos. One suggested set of rules: 1. If you don't currently use a calendar or planner, you must get one. 2. Safeguard blocks of work time. Learn to say "no" to interruptions. 3. Consider a "special place" -- where others won't distract you.
1. Start a To-Do List Start each day with a list of what you need to accomplish, starting with the most important tasks first. Review the list over breakfast (a great way to boost your energy level and kick-start your brain) and be sure to gather any items you may need (projects, uniforms, forms, etc.). If you don’t complete every item on your list, don’t get upset; simply add it to the next day’s to-do list.
2. Know Your Limits If you find your to-do list is getting too long, it may be that you have over-extended yourself. It can be easy to get involved in more activities than you can handle, especially if your friends are pushing you to join them. Remember, it’s okay to say ‘no’; knowing your limits and sticking to them will go a long way in keeping your to-do list a manageable size and keeping your stress levels to a minimum.
3. Bring Your Work Along If you have an upcoming test or assignment due, bring along your work wherever you go. You can use free time at lunch to study (have a friend quiz you). Just a few minutes here and there will quickly add up and give you more time for other things, like sleeping!
4. Schedule Everything Carrying a planner or using a calendar app on your phone should help you stay organized and on schedule. Be sure to include any tests, assignments, rehearsals/practices, work shifts, and volunteer hours in your planner. This will help you avoid conflicts in your schedule and give you a clearer picture of when you will have time to study. It may help to post a calendar in the kitchen of your home.
5. Don’t Procrastinate Don’t make a habit of putting off what you can do today for tomorrow. If you do, you’ll soon find your schedule is in disarray and you’ve run out of time to complete everything. By spreading out your work into manageable segments over several days, and sticking to that schedule, you will find yourself more relaxed and organized. Find a healthy balance between school, work, and a social life can be challenging, but it will only get more complicated ass you get older. By implementing these time-management strategies now, you’ll be ahead of the game. Not only will these skills translate to college, but to your future career, as well. The choice is yours: time-management guru or procrastinator. Which will you choose?