Data Collection & Analysis Methods Suggestion for Further Study A Case study of How English- language Warm-up Activities may Enhance Vietnamese Pupils’ Culture Literacy Pham Dieu Linh1, Nguyen Hanh Đao2 1 Son La primary school, 2 Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, MA Abstract Conceptual Framework Data Collection & Analysis Methods Findings CL is the ability to analyze and understand a particular society or culture and culturally literate persons can talk smoothly and understand native cultures (Hirsch, 1988). Children under 10 seem to develop native-like proficiency with optimal openness to other cultural experiences (Pearson, 2009) Culture-based WU activities motivate YLs and upgrade their linguistic and communicative skills (Mingguang, 1999; Yakup, et al., 2013) By providing culturally learning materials to engage the pupils in real cultural experience Films, news, television shows, newspapers, printed matters By activating the pupils’ background knowledge on culture and other aspects through questions E.g: Teacher asked questions about stress in English and Vietnamese. Pupils compared and identified differences between two languages. The study is the investigation of warm-up activities used in the English classroom to enhance cultural literacy for young learners at 4B class, Viet Long primary school. The main objective of this study is to change English teacher's awareness of cultural literacy to children and the role of warm-up activities in the process of strengthening this competence. Moreover, the research aims to explore which warm-up activities could enhance cultural literacy for the pupils and how to enhance this competence in the most effective way. In order to meet these objectives, the research applied qualitative approach in the form of exploratory case study. Semi-structured, non-participant observation is the major data collection method. After two weeks of observation in the classroom, we started to interview the English teacher about her class-related information, especially her acknowledge of cultural literacy and the way she often implemented warm-up step. Then, some suggestions about the kinds of warm-up activities to enhance cultural literacy for the youth such as using songs, chants, in-text pictures, questions were pointed out to her with a positive hope. The experiment of observation continued in 6 lessons later. At the end of each lesson, there are 3 class members participating in a quick test in order to check the real effectiveness of the warm-up activities in enhancing cultural literacy. Teacher's feeling when she applied cultural-based warm-up activities for students was reflected in another interview in the end. The study used theme-based coding method to analyze data. As a result, research questions were answered according to themes in turn. Data Collection Semi-structured non-participant observation (Researchers) Realize and add new issues to the study Not participate directly Non- participant Observation Protocol (Liu & Maitlis 2010) Non- participant Observation Protocol (Liu & Maitlis 2010) Conducting descriptive observation Focusing on students' reflections Quick test Research Methodology Exploratory case study - 3 features: 1 of 3 main types of case study Generation of research questions Six-step procedure (Yin, 2009; Case Study Module, 2007; Soy, 1997) Six-step Procedure Step I: identifying problems: Pre- observation interview Non- participant observations ( No.1+2) Literature review Time schedule and teaching regulations 2 emerging research questions Step II : Selecting cases, determining data gathering and analysis techniques Teacher as a case Non-participant observation Theme-based coding Step V: Evaluating and analyzing data Identifying themes by coding (Stufflebeam & Zhang, 2017) Findings (answering 2 research questions) Teacher as a Case A typical rural Vietnamese teaching context BA. degree of English language teaching 3 years’ teaching experience Senses of responsibility and life-long learning Plans to enhance language proficiency and teaching capacity Data Analysis Method Theme-based coding (Creswell, 2007, as cited in Creswell 2014) Theme 1 Theme 2 Implications For teacher Learn about their culture Find out WU activities related to culture before teaching students For researcher Be flexible with different types of research Findings Theme 1 RQ 1: What activities could improve the Vietnamese pupils’ cultural literacy? 3 major characteristics: Funny, cultural-oriented and time-efficient Raising questions, songs, videos, in-text pictures E.g: Observation No.7, schoolyard & flamboyants Theme 2 Research Objectives Suggestion for Further Study To recommend warm-up (WU) activities that improve ELT young learners’ cultural literacy. To investigate how those activities can promote young learners’ cultural literacy (CL). CL should be embeded into lesson contents. Researchers should collect more data through observation and other collection methods. Research Setting References School Class Syllabus Viet Long primary school (rural region) 24 basically-equipped classes Observed class: 32 pupils at grade 4 mixed English levels middle-class family background Yin, R. K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. In Applied Social Research Methods (4 Ed.). SAGE. Retrieved May 1, 2017, from Soy, S. K. (1997). The case study as a research method. University of Texas at Austin,1. Retrieved from Peterson, E. & Coltrane, B. (2003, December). Culture in Second Language Teaching. Digests. Retrieved March 24, 2017 from pdfs/0309peterson.pdf Mingguang, Y. (1999). Warm-Up Activities. Eric. Retrieved : May 2, 2017 Hirsch, E. (1988). Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Retrieved from American-Needs/dp/0394758439 Creswell, J. W. (2014). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. Retrieved April 30, 2017 RQ 2: How may warm-up activities enhance Vietnamese pupils’ cultural literacy? Providing culturally learning materials could engage the pupils in real cultural experience Activating the pupils’ background knowledge on culture and other aspects Tieng Anh 4 course: 35 weeks, 2 less/week Tieng Anh 4 textbook outline: 20 topic- based units, 4 reviews Curriculum outcome: Level 1 (KNLNNVN, 2013) equivalent to A1 (CEFR)