Final Exam (FE) preparation FE will cover UNIT 4 to UNIT 6 of the module as well as additional notes given during second face to face meeting. FE will consist of only ESSAY questions. You will be given a list of questions and you need to only choose TWO out of the list. You will be given 1 and a half hour to answer the questions. Please refer to UNIT 7 of your module for samples of exam questions and answer.
Focus of FE Main focus : UNIT 4 (Studying a Tragedy) Tragedy chosen – Hamlet (William Shakespeare) Main focus : UNIT 5 (Studying a comedy) Comedy chosen – A Midsummer Night’s Dream (William Shakespeare) Main focus : UNIT 6 (Studying a history play) Refer to “How to Read Shakespeare’s Richard II” on pg. 114-117
Areas to be covered in the final exam: Read notes from the module regarding other Elizabethan dramatists Points to remember in relation to the chosen plays: the protagonists (specific) and other supporting characters (in general) the theme general opinions the presentation of the text
REMINDER Essay and project to be submitted together before 9th of May 2014 in order to be keyed-in on time in the esmp Submission could be done online via Please indicate in the subject line of the email : Essay and Project for BBL3208 (PJJ) – Name and matric no.