Welcome to Kindergarten Round Up March 2, 2017 Plaza Vista School Welcome to Kindergarten Round Up March 2, 2017
Introductions James Parker-Principal Rick Blazer-Assistant Vice Principal Ashley Hernandez–Administrative Assistant Shauna Gibbons– Registration/Attendance Clerk Dawn Burgess – Kinder Teacher Sheila Jones– Kinder Teacher Suzanne Perez– Kinder Teacher
Our School Plaza Vista School: Built in 1999, this is our 17th year! K-8 Year Round calendar school In 2010 we became a “California Distinguished School” In 2016 we became a “Gold Ribbon School” Over 960 students attend Plaza Vista School
Student Expectations Our first priority at Plaza Vista School is to provide a safe learning environment for ALL students! Please read the Plaza Vista K-5 Code of Conduct which is on the Plaza Vista website. You and your child will be asked to verify that you have read the rules and discussed the importance of following them with your child. Please comply with all forms in the “First Day Packet” online.
Adults on Campus
School Office Hours The office is open from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please sign in with the office and pick up a visitor or volunteer badge before visiting your child’s classroom.
Where Can I Find Important Information about Plaza Vista? Your MOST important internet page is www.iusd.org/pv At the bottom of the webpage is www.myiusd.org – Be sure to register as a user to gain access to Parent Portal! All of the information you require is on our website – make sure you check it often! We are a GREEN school. Make the pv website your website, so that you know what goes on daily at school.
Nurse Daniella Gorman Health Clerks Janice McNeill & Rhoda Hill Immunizations Specialized Health Care Concerns or food allergies contact Daniella Gorman a.s.a.p. at daniellagorman@iusd.org Medications Illnesses Injuries Vision/Hearing Get a physical Immunizations- Must be completed prior to the start of Kinder (classroom teacher assigned upon completion) Specialized Health Care Concerns- be sure to fill out the Health conditions information care when you register your child. Email the school RN to make an appointment either via phone or in person to discuss the needs of your child Medications- All prescription and non prescription medications must have proper authorization which includes both parent signature and doctor signature. All forms are on www.IUSD.org under the health services tab Illnesses- please see the guidelines for school attendance (www.iusd.org health services tab) regarding when to keep your student home from school due to illness. Typical instances are Elevated temperature over 100.0 and vomiting Injuries- sometimes injuries happen while at school. For minor cuts and scrapes, we will clean with soap and water and provide first aid. For other injuries depending on severity, we will contact parents and provide first aid accordingly. Vision and hearing- All kinder students will have their vision and hearing screened by a school nurse within the first few months of the school year. The health office will alert parents of any failed test via mail. Physical-the state of California requires a physical exam at least 6 months prior to kinder entry or 18 months prior to first grade.
Kinder Meet and Greet In June, we will be meeting incoming Kindergarten students. You will receive a notification about scheduling your appointment in the coming months. Our Goals: The students will meet the teachers, and teachers will gain important information that allows us to create balanced classes and ensure effective learning environments. Your child’s class placement will be online 1-2 days before the start of school. (Plaza Vista website) Placement includes am/pm and assigned teacher.
Kindergarten Daily Schedule A.M. (7:55-11:15) P.M. (11:25-2:45) *P.M. Classes will have Modified Weds. Schedule to be dismissed at 1:35
P.R.I.D.E. in the Kinder Classroom Partnership Respect Integrity Determination Empathy P.R.I.D.E. in the Kinder Classroom
First Kinder Day of School First day of school will be a “Normal” kindergarten schedule All A.M. & P.M. parents/students will meet in the kindergarten yard area at 7:55 AM or 11:25 AM Follow teacher to your child’s class Bring a LARGE full-sized backpack and lunch box with a healthy snack Student’s name clearly written on the outside Please label all clothing (sweaters & jackets) Change of clothing to be kept in backpack Please have students wear closed-toed shoes (no sandals or gators)
Back to School Night & Fall Conferences During the first month of school, we schedule a BACK- TO-SCHOOL NIGHT for Kindergarten. We present the curriculum, policies and procedures for the year. Announce the Open House date.
Parent Volunteers Work in the classroom Help with field trips Holiday Celebrations When volunteering, please remember adults only - no siblings
Join PTA Kathleen Nguyen– 2016-17 PTA President Your PTA membership funds: -”Meet the Masters” Art Program -ALL school assemblies -2 Book fairs and Jog-a-Thon -Classroom funds for teacher and classroom
Child Development Center (CDC) The CDC childcare program at Plaza Vista School provides affordable, quality childcare and day camps for elementary school-age children of working parents. Professional staff supervise children in a caring, nurturing environment. Maricela Ybarra– Site Supervisor Lorrena Arias– Kinder Teacher Brittany Schlauch– Kinder Teacher Rachel (CDC director)
Thank you for coming! “Welcome Back Coffee” with our Principal, James Parker, on our First Day of Kindergarten This is an opportunity to meet other parents and find out more about the Plaza Vista Community.