Costume Design 101 The Basics
What is a Costume? Anything worn (or not worn) in a production that gives information about a character or a play.
2 groups that costumes help in any production 1. Actors Helps the actor become a character by creating a visual exterior. Period Movement
2 groups that costumes help in any production 2. Audience Identifies relationships between characters Groups
Pulls focus to main character(s)
8 things costumes tell us about a character Occupation Social Status Age Culture Personality Education Health Sex
Occupation Uniforms Military Doctors, Nurses Business Suits White collar vs. Blue collar
Social Status Rich vs. Poor Cleanliness Quality of fabric Jewelry State of distress
Age Fashionable vs. Out of style Bright/primary colors for kids Layers for old people Less clothes for young people (showing more skin) Hair and make-up
Culture Regional: Ethnic Subcultures east coast vs. west coast Preppy Punk Nerds Stoners
Personality Happy, bubbly Sad, depressed, serious Boring Evil Innocent
Education Insignia on clothes School Uniforms “Joe’s Auto Shop” Harvard vs. East L.A. Community College School Uniforms “Joe’s Auto Shop” Doctor’s lab coat
Health Hospital gown Pregnancy pad Straight jacket Clothes too big – looks sickly Tight clothes – looks healthy Work out or sports clothing Fake cast / crutches
Sex Male – Female 10 – 1
7 things costume tells us about a play Location Season/weather Time of Day Time Period Activity Genre Concept
5 Elements of Design Color Line Shape Texture Mass
Line Straight Curved Diagonal
Costume Tearsheet Project Look through the magazines provided and find clothing that fits into the categories we have discussed. Try to determine which element or elements of design helped you to reach your conclusion. Cut the pictures out, glue them down and label. Example: Red dress shows fiery personality, short skirt and halter top show young attitude. Elements of design: Color and Mass
Color Line Shape Texture Mass Character Occupation Social Status Age Culture Personality Education Health Sex Play Location Season/weather Time of Day Time Period Activity Genre Concept Elements of Design Color Line Shape Texture Mass