Hebrews for Today The Challenge of Making Hebrews Practical in the 21st Century
“This book is really hard and complicated” The Student’s Viewpoint
TOUGH STUFF! It uses the O.T. in a difficult way, unlike any other book in the N.T. It doesn’t outline easily. It is very difficult to trace out the argument. It is full of typology. We aren’t sure who wrote it, when it was written, or who received it
“This book is really hard and complicated” Hebrews demands simplicity. The Student’s Viewpoint
We must tie Hebrews to contemporary problems. “I have no idea what this book means to me” The Student’s Viewpoint
“No one talks much about what Hebrews means today” Be practical and you will be heard. The Student’s Viewpoint
Step one: don’t narrow Hebrews’ focus. Step two: introduce discouragement as the unifying theme. Step three: re-outline the book using the discouragement theme Step three: getcha a Roman numeral letter thing-bob so yew look real smart.
Discouraged? Listen to Jesus, 1:5-2:4 Keep an open heart, 2:5-4:13 Grow up and appreciate Jesus your High Priest, 4:14-6:8 Remember God keeps His promises, 6:9-10:39 Learn from the example of others who were faithful, 11:1-12:29
Step one: don’t narrow Hebrews’ focus. Step two: introduce discouragement as the unifying theme. Step three: re-outline the book using the discouragement theme Step four: keep the main thing the main thing.
Hebrews for Today The Challenge of Making Hebrews Practical in the 21st Century