Iowa State University Mark Rowe-Barth Director of Student Wellness Stress Less Iowa State University Mark Rowe-Barth Director of Student Wellness
Stress Turn to the people around you and discuss the following questions What is stress? What does stress look like for you? What strategies do you use to de-stress?
What is Stress? Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. Even positive life changes such as a first job, starting college, or falling in love produce stress. Eustress: Positive stress such as falling in love, starting a new job, or coming to college. Distress: Negative stress such as failing a test, breaking up with a significant other, or not getting along with a roommate.
National College Health Assessment (NCHA) According to the 2017 NCHA, Iowa State students indicated that stress is their #1 impediment to academic success What do you think of this? Does it surprise you? Why do you think students are so stressed out?
The Long Term Impact of Negative Stress What are the long term impacts of stress? Some Examples Anxiety Depression Digestive problems Headaches Heart disease Sleep problems Memory and concentration impairment
Activities We know that stress affects all of us and has a strong connection to our academic success. We are going to focus this program on learning and practicing three evidence-based stress management strategies you can use in your daily life at ISU.
Mindfulness Exercise: The 5 Senses
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise
Deep Breathing Exercise
Discussion How did those activities go for you? How was your experience? What was challenging? What was easy? What are some other strategies you use or know of to help you manage stress?
Strategies to Reduce Stress Take a break from the stressor Movement Smile and laugh Get support Meditate Deep breathing Yoga Get a massage Take a bubble bath Dance Listen to music Get enough ZZZ’s Progressive muscle relaxation Recreational sports Emerse yourself in pleasurable activities Create a relaxation plan Get involved on campus!
Iowa State Stress Management Activities Check out Student Wellness website for other stress information and resources Visit Iowa State’s Workspace in Memorial Union Biofeedback program at Student Counseling Services Join a fun student organization. Find the whole list here: CyBowl & Billiards The Maintenance Shop for concerts Leadership and service opportunities And many more!
Post Evaluation Please fill out your post evaluation and turn it into before you leave! I will stick around for any questions you have. Mark Rowe-Barth,, 515-294-1099