Fedora Releng The Future Dennis Gilmore Presented by Fedora Release Engineering CC-BY-SA
The last year Fedora.Next atomic docker products Team has grown Community and outside contributions
The future Automated compose processes Reuse of processes Consistency of processes Frequent composes Framework for different product lifecycles Integration of secondary arches Ship updates faster Make rawhide the place to be
How do we get there http://jobs.redhat.com/jobs/descriptions/lead- engineer-fedora-project-atomic-infrastructure- raleigh-north-carolina-job-1-5092722
How do we get there koji 2.0 bodhi 2.0 Quickly iterate composedb product definition (i.e. rings) docker Be willing to fail
Rawhide Gate builds Automatic side tags Automated build QA Sign rpms Full composes matching release
Tie in improvements Better Developer experience Developer portal More easily enable itch scratching Automated QA Install testing Build testing Integration testing taskotron
Why do all this? docker and atomic are not the last new shiny My sanity Keep fedora relevant Improve reaction time Enable wider contribution and use (i.e. RHEL and CentOS)
Possible future issues Mirrors not scaling Supporting incompatible products
Questions? Contact: ausil@fedoraproject.org
Feedback http://devconf.cz/f/13