Travel Miles Expense Form Annette Dangerfield Office of Sustainability Sustainable Purchasing Coordinator Travel Miles Expense Form
All slides originally developed and supported by William Peterson,
Mission Our mission is to simplify the process of recording travel miles from Berea College Travel Expense Forms in order to make them more readily available for the annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory done by the Office of Sustainability. Vision Our vision is to ensure that current and accessible data is being collected through the Accounting Department for reporting by the Berea College Office of Sustainability.
SIPOC Suppliers Inputs Policies Outputs Customers Berea College: Faculty Students Staff Travel Expense Form: Fields for type of travel, length of travel (miles) and/or departure/ destination of travel Travel and Business Expense Policy STARS Reporting Guidelines Annual Report of miles travelled for Greenhouse Gas Inventory Berea College Office of Sustainability Berea College Office of Informational Services Berea College
SWOT Analysis Internal External Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities SWOT Analysis Internal External Willingness to collaborate between groups (Accounting-Continuous Improvement-Office of Sustainability) High-level Administrative Support Definable Steps (manageable and concrete goal Potential for reversion to old batching method if new method is surrounded by batching processes GHG reporting imbedded with other reporting on Travel Expense Forms (may lead to overlooked data Data could be ready upon request (continuously updated) Converting to one-piece flow could increase efficiency for accounting and reduce time spent on process Standardization of “Request Form” can create ease of access to data and input into GHG calculator Processes are inter-departmental History of batching vs. one-piece flow
Charter Mission – To simplify the process of recording and receiving travel miles Burning platform – The deadline for GHG reporting Process Description – Travel Expense Form is turned in by Berea College associate to the request of data for GHG reporting Problem Statement – Mileage data as recorded by Accounting does not match data request from OS Data Manager Sponsor – Derrick Singleton Process Owner – Joan Pauly Team Lead – Annette Dangerfield Facilitator – Annette Dangerfield Team – Ashley Creekmore, Aaron Beale, Joan Pauly, Sara Clements
Seeing the Process Value-Add vs. Non-Value-Add: 8:2 (80%% Value-Added) Hand-offs: 4 Cycle Time: For Low wait/Correct Form: 147,129 minutes (2,452.15 hours) For High wait/Incorrect Form: 672,011 minutes (11,200.18 hours) Average: 409,570 minutes (6,826.17 hours) Touch Time (time taken from relatively simple sample) = 4 min 2 sec # of Steps (VA vs. NVA): 10 total, 2 non-value added Estimate WIP – 0-1642
Current State VSM
Intermediate State VSM
Action Plan Pics or Action Plan Document Anecdotes of Success / Obstacles Pics
Rapid Improvement Event # 1: Matching Spresdsheets The “Request Form” sent by the Office of Sustainability to Accounting included superfluous data fields Fields were reduced to only what was required for GHG Inventory This was used as the model for Accounting to alter their spreadsheet to match necessary fields of data
Rapid Improvement Event # 2: Batching Accounting tallied mileage in an “End-of-Year” report (Batching) Departure and Destination locations were recorded, but, if mileage was not readily available it was left blank until the end of the FY In the new spreadsheet, mileage calculating websites were linked and mileage is calculated at the same time the rest of the info is recorded (One-Piece Flow)
Old “Data Collection Form” – Owned by Office of Sustainability
Old “Data Collection Form” – Owned by Office of Sustainability (Continued)
New “Data Collection Form” – Owned by Office of Sustainability
Old “Travel Reports Sheet– Owned by Accounting
New “Travel Reports Sheet– Owned by Accounting
New “Travel Reports Sheet– Owned by Accounting (Continued)
Examples of Lean Countermeasures Used Visual Management – restructured spreadsheet used by Accounting Standard of Work – Data Request Form from Office of Sustainability Eliminated Over-processing – Data fields reduced to only request the data exactly as it was needed Reduce Batch Size – Mileage calculated for air, bus, train at time of form processing, instead of during one event at the end of the FY
Current State Touch Time Total time for entire process (for relatively simply sheet): 4 min 2 sec Checking data and verifying mileage for car (non- rental): 2 min 24 sec Recording mileage in spreadsheet: 46 sec Recording air travel (not calculating mileage immediately: end-of-year report/batching): 29 sec Verifying mileage for rental car (website): 31 sec
Intermediate State Touch Time Total time after RIE event (for comparable sheet to previous time breakdown): 1 min 42 sec Checking data and verifying Travel Expense form documents (air travel): 39.4 sec Verifying air travel information (departure, destination, and calculating mileage through linked sites -- one- piece flow): 49.0 sec Recording mileage for air travel: 13.9 sec
Total Time Savings Estimated time savings based on process times Original method – 110. 38 hours spent New method – 46.52 hours spent Total time saved – 63.86 hours Estimated money saved based on hourly salary rate: Original method – $2,097.22 New method – $888.88 Soft money savings – $1,208.34
Extrapolated Time Savings Comparing July through Mid-September between old and new Travel Reports spreadsheets Number of forms processed: FY 2014-5: 253 FY 2016-7: 137 Average number of forms: 195 Time spent processing forms (based on average # of forms and previous process time figures): Old method: 13.1 hours New: 5.5 hours Time saved: 7.6 hours for 2.5 month period
Final Remarks Statements from process expert, Ashley Creekmore: “It was a simple change to save a lot of time.” “It’ll save a lot of time on forms that don’t have any errors.” “The end of year report will take much less time since the information is already there.” “I’ll be recording and tracking information from other sections of the TEF for other projects, so this has helped me think about how I might do that more efficiently.”
Call or email anytime, but send what you have so far Progress Check Call or email anytime, but send what you have so far