Strong and Stable Structures of the World A Grade 3 Webquest Have you ever wondered what makes a structure strong and why it doesn’t fall down?
Task As you go through this slide show, click on the pictures to read about a structure and respond to the questions. Print out this template to record your answers. webquest worksheet.doc Process
Leaning Tower of Pisa When and why was the Tower built? Where is it located? Why does the Tower Lean?
Coliseum - Rome When and why was the Coliseum built? Do you believe this to be a stable structure? Why or why not?
Atomium - Brussels Why was the Atomium built? How is this structure stable?
The Taj Mahal What are some of the stable shapes you see in this structure? What material is the Taj Mahal made out of?
The Sydney Opera House What materials was this Opera House built from? Does this structure look stable? Why or why not?
Millau Viaduct Give 2 interesting facts about the structure of this bridge.
Conclusion You have learned a lot about different structures around the world. Choose any structure (can be from this assignment or not) and create a model of it using any materials you choose. Explain whether or not it is a stable structure and why. Be prepared to share with your class.