The Microsoft® Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) 12 November 2009 Bryan Sullivan Senior Security Program Manager, Microsoft SDL
Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) The SDL: Microsoft’s industry leading software security assurance process designed to protect customers by reducing the number and severity of software vulnerabilities before release. Key point: Microsoft has a proven method for more secure development – the SDL. Since the formation of Trustworthy Computing in 2002, security has been a top priority for Microsoft. All company software products are designed and built with security in mind using Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), a holistic and comprehensive approach for writing more secure code. The SDL has significantly improved the security, privacy and reliability of its software, with vulnerabilities in Microsoft products dropping year over year. SDL Executive commitment mandatory Microsoft process since 2004
Measurable Improvements At Microsoft
Microsoft SDL and SQL Server Total Vulnerabilities Disclosed 36 Months After Release Before SDL After SDL 91% reduction in Vulnerabilities Sources: Analysis by Jeff Jones (Microsoft technet security blog)
Windows: 45% reduction of vulnerabilities Total vulnerabilities disclosed one year after release 45% reduction in vulnerabilities Before SDL After SDL Source: Windows Vista One Year Vulnerability Report, Microsoft Security Blog 23 Jan 2008
Microsoft SDL and Internet Explorer (IE) Vulnerabilities Fixed One Year After Release Before SDL After SDL 35% reduction in vulnerabilities 63% reduction in high severity vulnerabilities Source: Browser Vulnerability Analysis, Microsoft Security Blog 27-NOV-2007
Attacks are focusing on applications Calculated from the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report V6 90% of vulnerabilities are remotely exploitable Sources: IBM X-Force, 2008
Most vulnerabilities are in smaller companies' applications Sources: IBM X-Force 2008 Security Report
What is Microsoft doing about the threat?
Working to protect our users… TwC Education Process Accountability Administer and track security training Guide product teams to meet SDL requirements Establish release criteria and sign-off as part of FSR Incident Response (MSRC) Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Sign up with MSEC Define business owner Define security lead Define product-specific security measures Meet SDL requirements Meet release criteria Security engineering Feedback for SDL improvements Product Groups Ongoing Process Improvements
Pre-SDL Requirements: Security Training Design Implementation Verification Release Response Assess organizational knowledge on security and privacy – establish training program as necessary Establish training criteria Content covering secure design, development, test and privacy Establish minimum training frequency Employees must attend n classes per year Establish minimum acceptable group training thresholds Organizational training targets (e.g. 80% of all technical personnel trained prior to product RTM)
Phase One: Requirements Training Training Requirements Requirements Design Design Implementation Implementation Verification Verification Release Release Response Response Opportunity to consider security at the outset of a project Development team identifies lead security and privacy contacts – “Champions” Security Advisor assigned Security Advisor reviews product plan, makes recommendations, may set additional requirements Mandate the use of a bug tracking/job assignment system Define and document security and privacy bug bars
Phase Two: Design Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Define and document security architecture, identify security critical components Document attack surface and limit through default settings Define supplemental security ship criteria due to unique product issues Cross-site scripting tests Deprecation of weak crypto Threat Modeling Systematic review of features and product architecture from a security point of view Identify threats and mitigations
SDL Threat Modeling Tool demonstration SDL Threat Modeling Tool
Phase Three: Implementation Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Full spectrum review – used to determine processes, documentation and tools necessary to ensure secure deployment and operation Specification of approved build tools and options Static analysis (/analyze (PREfast), FXCop, CAT.NET) Banned APIs Use of operating system “defense in depth” protections (NX, ASLR and HeapTermination) Online services specific requirements (e.g., Cross-site scripting , SQL Injection etc) Secure coding libraries Consider other recommendations (e.g., Standard Annotation Language (SAL))
Phase Four: Verification Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Started as early as possible – conducted after “code complete” stage Start security response planning – including response plans for vulnerability reports Re-evaluate attack surface Fuzz testing – files, installable controls and network facing code Conduct “security push” (as necessary, increasingly rare) Not a substitute for security work done during development Code review Penetration testing and other security testing Review design and architecture in light of new threats
Phase Five: Release – Response Plan Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Creation of a clearly defined support policy – consistent with MS corporate policies Provide Software Security Incident Response Plan (SSIRP) Identify contacts for MSRC and resources to respond to events 24x7x365 contact information for 3-5 engineering, 3-5 marketing, and 1-2 management (PUM and higher) individuals Ensure ability to service all code including “out of band” releases and all licensed 3rd party code.
Phase Five: Release – Final Security Review (FSR) Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Verify SDL requirements are met and there are no known security vulnerabilities Provides an independent view into “security ship readiness” The FSR is NOT: A penetration test – no “penetrate and patch” allowed The first time security is reviewed A signoff process Key Concept: The tasks for this phase are used as a determining factor on whether or not to ship – not used as a “catchall” phase for missed work in earlier phases
Phase Five: Release – Archive Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Security response plan complete Customer documentation up-to-date Archive RTM source code, symbols, threat models to a central location Complete final signoffs on Checkpoint Express – validating security, privacy and corporate compliance policies
Post-SDL Requirement: Response Training Training Requirements Requirements Design Design Implementation Implementation Verification Verification Release Release Response Response “Plan the work, work the plan…” Execution on response tasks outlined during Security Response Planning and Release Phases
Universal Applicability Any operating system Any language Any deployment scenario Any development methodology
Agile Development Methodologies SCRUM Extreme Programming (XP) DSDM Adaptive Software Development Crystal Feature-Driven Development Pragmatic Programming Common trait: iterative approach
Unsuccessful Approaches Make SDL requirements into product backlog items Not secure Do the complete SDL every iteration Not Agile Remove some requirements Also not secure
SDL-Agile process
Three classes of requirements Every Sprint Training Threat modeling etc... One-Time Only Set up tracking Upgrade compilers Bucket Fuzz parsers Create response plan etc…
Secure Software Development Requires Process Improvement Key Concepts Simply “looking for bugs” doesn’t make software secure Must reduce the chance vulnerabilities enter into design and code Requires executive commitment Requires ongoing process improvement Requires education & training Requires tools and automation Requires incentives and consequences
Summary Attacks are moving to the application layer SDL = embedding security into software and culture Measurable results for Microsoft software Microsoft is committed to making SDL widely available and accessible
Resources SDL Portal: SDL Blog: SDL Process on MSDN (Web): SDL Process on MSDN (MS Word):
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