Measurement of sexual orientation among adolescents More than a label Measurement of sexual orientation among adolescents POWER NOTE Jennifer Rubin, M.S. University of Michigan SSSS 2015 Annual Conference
Asking Questions What label best describes your sexual identity? Gay/lesbian Bisexual Heterosexual Questioning
Today’s 01 02 03 Presentation Defining sexual orientation Multidimensional model of sexual orientation Presentation 03 Interpretations of attraction among LGBTQ young women
Defining Sexual Orientation An erotic inclination toward people of one or more genders, most often described as sexual or erotic attractions Savin-Williams & Ream, 2007; Saeywc, 2011
Defining Sexual Orientation An erotic inclination toward people of one or more genders, most often described as sexual or erotic attractions Savin-Williams & Ream, 2007; Saeywc, 2011
The label that people adopt to signify who they are as a sexual being Dimensions of Sexual Orientation 01 02 03 Identification Attraction Sexual Behavior The label that people adopt to signify who they are as a sexual being The feeling of being romantically or sexually drawn to other individuals A person’s sexual practices with individuals of the same gender and/or different gender(s) Dickson, van Roode, Cameron, & Paul, 2013; Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994; Saewyc et al.; 2004; Savin-Williams, 2014
The label that people adopt to signify who they are as a sexual being Dimensions of Sexual Orientation 01 02 03 Identification Attraction Sexual Behavior The label that people adopt to signify who they are as a sexual being The feeling of being romantically or sexually drawn to other individuals A person’s sexual practices with individuals of the same gender and/or different gender(s) Dickson, van Roode, Cameron, & Paul, 2013; Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994; Saewyc et al.; 2004; Savin-Williams, 2014
2002 National Survey of Family Growth Differences between Components 2002 National Survey of Family Growth Sexual Behavior Identity Attraction 4% 3-10% 11% Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005
Adolescence & Measuring Sexual Orientation Sexual Relationships. Some adolescents are not engaging in partnered sexual behavior Attraction. Younger adolescents may not have experienced sexual or romantic attraction Stigma. Sexual orientation-based harassment is prevalent Johns et al. 2013; McClelland, Rubin & Bauermeister, 2015
What types of questions should I ask?
A I B What to Ask Recommendation: Measure all three constructs Attraction Identity Behavior Recommendation: Measure all three constructs The Williams Institute, 2013
A I B + -or- What to Ask Measure attraction plus one other dimension Identity Behavior Measure attraction plus one other dimension Friedman et al., 2004; The Williams Institute, 2013
Sexual Identity Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Gay or lesbian Heterosexual or straight Bisexual Something else I don’t know the answer National Institute for Health Statistics, 2014
Sexual Identity Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Gay or lesbian Heterosexual or straight Bisexual Something else I don’t know the answer National Institute for Health Statistics, 2014
Sexual Identity Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Gay or lesbian Heterosexual or straight Bisexual Something else I don’t know the answer National Institute for Health Statistics, 2014
Sexual Identity Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? Gay or lesbian Heterosexual or straight Bisexual Something else I don’t know the answer National Institute for Health Statistics, 2014
In the past (time period e.g. year) who have you had sex with? Sexual Behavior Men only Women only Both men and women I have not had sex The Williams Institute, 2009
In the past (time period e.g. year) who have you had sex with? Sexual Behavior Men only Women only Both men and women I have not had sex The Williams Institute, 2009
In the past (time period e.g. year) who have you had sex with? Sexual Behavior Men only Women only Both men and women I have not had sex The Williams Institute, 2009
People are different in their sexual attraction to other people People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you: Attraction Only attracted to females? Mostly attracted to females? Equally attracted to females and males? Mostly attracted to males? Only attracted to males? Not sure? National Study of Family Growth, 2013
People are different in their sexual attraction to other people People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you: Attraction Only attracted to females? Mostly attracted to females? Equally attracted to females and males? Mostly attracted to males? Only attracted to males? Not sure? National Study of Family Growth, 2013
People are different in their sexual attraction to other people People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you: Attraction Only attracted to females? Mostly attracted to females? Equally attracted to females and males? Mostly attracted to males? Only attracted to males? Not sure? National Study of Family Growth, 2013
What does it mean to feel attracted to someone?
01 02 First Experiences of Same-Sex Attraction Contexts Silences Three contexts emerged: embodied contexts, relational contexts, and social contexts Young women described lacking words to describe initial feelings of same-sex attraction McClelland, Rubin & Bauermeister, 2015
First Experiences of Same-Sex Attraction Asking ‘‘are you sexually attracted to females’’ may be insufficient methodologically McClelland, Rubin & Bauermeister, 2015
01 02 03 Moving Forward Development is important Questions matter Additional theoretical and empirical work
Questions? Thank you Contact @jenn_rubin W Questions?