Solar Eclipse 101
Monday's eclipse in Beavercreek, Ohio Starts at 1:02 PM Maximum coverage (88.86%) at 2:29 PM Ends at 3:51 PM
T/F Today's eclipse is caused by the Earth moving between the sun and the moon.
T/F Today's eclipse is caused by the Earth moving between the sun and the moon. False! When the Earth is in the middle, it causes a lunar eclipse. These can be seen by everyone on the dark side of the Earth.
T/F Today's eclipse is caused by the moon moving between the sun and the Earth.
T/F Today's eclipse is caused by the moon moving between the sun and the Earth. True! When the moon is in the middle, it blocks out the sun in a very narrow path across the Earth. Only some people get to see the full eclipse.
T/F You need special eclipse glasses to watch the eclipse, but in a pinch, dark sunglasses will work.
T/F You need special eclipse glasses to watch the eclipse, but in a pinch, dark sunglasses will work. False! Unless you have welder's goggles rated 14 or higher or eclipse glasses, do NOT look at the sun at any time, ever.
Looking at the sun can burn your retina. This damage is painless – you won't know it is happening. This can be temporary or permanent. It can take up to a few days for you to find out that you have damaged your eyes.
Do not watch the eclipse: on your smartphone camera – it can damage the camera. With your bare eyes With fake solar glasses – Amazon has discovered that some glasses vendors have been unethical.
Do watch the eclipse: on TV or online. With proper eye protection With a pinhole projector