Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model
Learning Target I CAN describe the experimental design and explain the conclusions used in the development of modern and atomic theory, including Dalton’s Postulates, Thomson’s discovery of electron properties, Rutherford’s nuclear atom, and Bohr’s nuclear atom
Criteria for Success I CAN explain the contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr to the modern atomic theory I CAN describe the models of the atom that Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr proposed. I CAN identify which experiment and results lead to which discovery for Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr.
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model A. Atomic Theory: __________ is anything that has mass and takes up space. 1. All matter is made up of __________ matter atoms
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 1. Democritus (400 BCE) All matter is made up of extremely small, solid, ___________ particles called atoms indivisible
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 2. John Dalton (1808) Dalton’s Atomic Theory (The Four Postulates) 1. All elements are made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms, which ___________ be broken down into smaller parts 2. Atoms of the ________ element are identical (same mass, same properties); different elements are different. cannot same
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 2. John Dalton (1808) Dalton’s Atomic Theory (The Four Postulates) 3. Atoms of different elements _______ combine together in whole-number ratios to form compounds. 4. During chemical reactions, atoms are rearranged, but atoms of one element ___________ be changed into atoms of a different element can cannot
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 3. Joseph John (JJ) Thomson (1897) ____________________experiment Cathode ray
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 3. JJ Thomson (1897) Atoms actually contain small, negatively charged particles (________________) Plum-pudding model electrons Which of Dalton’s postulates did Thomson disprove, and why?
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 4. Ernest Rutherford (1911) ____________________ experiment Gold foil
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model Ernest Rutherford (1911) Atoms consist of a very small, positively charged region called the ___________, surrounded by small, negatively charged particles nucleus
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 5. Niels Bohr (1913) ___________________________ model Electrons exist in specific ____________ Studied hydrogen emission spectrum Bohr / Planetary orbits
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model 6. Louis DeBroglie, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrodinger (early 1900s) Elaborated on Bohr’s orbits Described the region in which the negative particles existed as ________________ orbitals
Atomic Theory and Developing an Atomic Model