Course Outline Definition of engineering: The scope of the engineering profession: the profession of engineering; fields of engineering; functions of engineering; levels of personnel in the engineering team - the scientist, the engineer, the technologist, the technician, the craftsman. The engineer as a professional: responsibilities and obligations of the professional engineer; professional recognition; professional organisations; professional ethics. The engineering approach to problem solving. Tools of engineering: calculations and analysis; computers and computer techniques; experimentation and testing; communication. The economic and social element in engineering: engineering economics, engineering management; the social dimension.
Course Administration The course will be taught by 4 departments: GST 3rd October – 18th October, 2012 CCE 23rd October – 1st November, 2012 MME 7th November – 29th November, 2012 EIE 5th Dec – 17th January, 2013 1st Semester Examinations 21st January – 1st February, 2013
4th and 11th, October, 2012: Introductory Lectures GST COMPONENT 4th and 11th, October, 2012: Introductory Lectures 03rd October, 2012: Remote Sensing and GIS Lab 10th October, 2012: Field Survey Equipments 17th October, 2012: Photogrammetry Lab.
Course Assessment Each department will set two questions each from which one will be expected to choose one question from each section. Answer each section in a different answer book Exam 70% Course Work 30% Total 100 % Pass Mark 40%