Lesson 26: The Christian Life
The Christian Life What a Glorious Blessing It Is to Be a Christian! In a study of “Fortifying Your Faith,” it is critical to know and remember that… A “Christ-ian” is one who is “of or belongs to” Christ. When one becomes a Christian (upon obedience to the will of God), he/she becomes… When one becomes a Christian, he/she begins a “new” life in relationship to God. When one becomes a Christian, he/she is called to a blessed life of “faithfulness” to God. There is no other life on this earth like the Christian life!
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Holy Living. The word “holy” comes from the Greek word hagios. As faithful Christians pursuing holiness, we must be like our God. As faithful Christians pursuing holiness, we must deny and avoid ungodliness. As faithful Christians pursuing holiness, we must possess Christ-like attitudes. As faithful Christians pursuing holiness, we must behave with Christ-like actions. Living the life that is characterized by holiness is the best life that one can have on earth!
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Continual Growth. God expects and commands Christians to grow and develop spiritually! Strong Christian growth comes from studying God’s Word regularly! One of the greatest joys and privileges of being a Christian, and an essential part of growth, is letting God speak to us through His Word! A vital link exists between growing as a Christian and growing in knowledge. Genuine Christian growth requires reading God’s Word. Genuine Christian growth requires meditating upon God’s Word. Genuine Christian growth requires studying God’s Word. Genuine Christian growth requires memorizing God’s Word.
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Continual Growth. God expects and commands Christians to grow and develop spiritually! Strong Christian growth comes from studying God’s Word regularly! Strong Christian growth comes from praying to God regularly! Strong Christian growth comes from assembling with brethren regularly! Strong Christian growth comes from teaching the gospel to others regularly! Like every loving Father, God wants His children to grow into mature, strong Christians!
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Faithful Stewardship. Being a Christian steward is a fundamental Bible topic. A Christian steward recognizes that all things belong to God. A Christian steward recognizes that all he has comes from God. A Christian steward recognizes that he might possess, but he does not own. A Christian steward recognizes that he must give an account for his stewardship.
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Faithful Stewardship. A Christian steward will carefully manage his life, which belongs to God. A Christian steward will carefully manage his time, which belongs to God. A Christian steward will carefully manage his abilities/skills, which belong to God. A Christian steward will carefully manage his money, which belongs to God. A Christian steward will carefully manage the gospel and men’s souls, which belong to God. All that we have belongs to God and has been entrusted to our care and management!
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Active Membership. Membership in the local church is essential! Each church member is responsible for being an active member of the local church! Each church member is responsible for attending and participating in worship assemblies! Each church member is responsible for ministering to the other members of the church!
The Christian Life According to Scripture, the Christian Life Is to Be Characterized By Active Membership. Each church member is responsible for preserving the unity and purity of the body! Each church member is responsible for teaching and defending the truth! Each church member is responsible for respecting and submitting to the elders! Active and responsible membership in the Lord’s church is not optional! It is essential!
The Christian Life Conclusion The Christian life is the most blessed life on this earth! The faithful Christian is promised eternal life with God in heaven! With such a blessed life to enjoy in Christ now and the promise of eternal life with Christ… As we contemplate and apply what God’s Word teaches us about the Christian life: Let us examine ourselves. Let us challenge ourselves. Let us improve ourselves. Let us commit ourselves. Let us enjoy ourselves. How strong is your faith? How fortified is your faith?