Assessment Workshop September 2013 S. William Zito, Ph.D. Anthony Marziliano, B.A., M.S. Gina LaPan, B.A., M.S. Marc Gillespie, Ph.D.
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Committee Structure Faculty Council Russell DiGate, Ph.D. Dean, Chair Committee on Student Affairs Committee on Mission, Planning, Organization and Financial Resources Committee on Continuing Professional Education Committee on Faculty Development Committee on Assessment and Outcomes Committee on Internal and External Facilities Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee on Library and Learning Resources Composition Committee on Faculty Affairs Subcommittee on Curriculum and Educational Policy for Pharmacy Programs
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Assessment Dr. Marc Gillespie, Chair Committee on Assessment and Outcomes Dr. S. William Zito Senior Associate Dean Assessment ----- Anthony C. Marziliano Assistant to the Dean Gina LaPan Assistant to the Dean TBA Data Administrator SK Revised Jan. 2013
Assessment & The College Structure Faculty Students Office of Assessment & Assessment Committee Stakeholders
Assessment What do we do? Turning Thoughts Into Action!
Assessment How does it relate to students?
Top Ten Ways Assessment Makes Your Life Better 1. We ensure that faculty and administrators hear your feedback “loud and clear” 2. Provide Faculty with question quality metrics for Scantron exams 3. Make sure that student opinions are available when funds are allocated for facility improvement 4. Use student feedback to identify new potential elective courses 5. Provide a forum for certification exam review 6. Let the administration know what social events you want to see more of 7. Identify what parts of the curriculum, need strengthening and improvement 8. Improve grading accuracy on Scantron graded exams 9. Evaluate how new technologies work in the classroom 10. Provide a structured means for students to track achievement through professional portfolios
Assessment Examples Scantron and Parscore Social Networking And Enhanced Communication Monitoring program outcomes Exit Interviews Upon Graduation Culture Of Assessment Assessment Blog
Staying in Touch and Alumni Relations What? You don’t call me anymore?