Descriptive and Causal Research Designs 5 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives_1 Explain the purpose and advantages of survey research designs Describe the types of survey methods Discuss the factors influencing the choice of survey methods
Learning Objectives_2 Explain experiments and the types of variables used in causal designs Define test marketing and evaluate its usefulness in marketing research
Selecting a Descriptive Research Design Nature of problem Research questions Research objectives
Goal of Survey Research Methods Provide facts and estimates that can be used to make accurate predictions about relationships between market factors and behaviors gain insights to understanding the relationships and differences verify or validate the existing relationships
Advantages/Disadvantages of Survey Research Design Accommodates large sample sizes Generalizable to target population Easy to administer and record answers Facilitates advanced statistical analysis Disadvantages Questions that accurately measure variables can be difficult to develop In-depth data difficult to obtain Low response rates
Errors in Surveys Sampling error Nonsampling error
Forms of Nonsampling Error Respondent errors Nonresponse errors Response errors
Types of Survey Research Methods Telephone- administered Self- administered Person- administered
Person-Administered Surveys Advantages Adaptability Rapport Feedback Response quality Disadvantages Possible recording errors Interaction errors High expense
Mall Intercepts
Telephone Surveys Advantages Interviewers or CATI technology Less expensive than face to face methods Geographic flexibility Callbacks possible Fast Suitable for large samples Disadvantages Difficult for complex tasks, long surveys, or those using visual aids Perception of telemarketing Change in behavior (voicemail, caller ID, mobile vs land lines) Limited to domestic research
Self-Administered Types of Survey Research Respondent Reads Survey Questions and Records Answers Without Assistance Mail Survey Mail Panel Drop-Off Internet
Advantages/Disadvantages of Self-Administered Surveys Low cost per survey Respondent control No interviewer-response bias Anonymity in response Disadvantages Minimal flexibility High nonresponse rates Potential response errors Slow data acquisition Lack of monitoring
Greenfield Online: A Web Surveyor
Usage Rates for Survey Methods Internet 35.8% CATI 25.3% Hybrid 12.0% Face-to-face intercepts 11.5% Mail 3.3% Other 4.1%
Selecting a Survey Method Situational characteristics Task characteristics Respondent characteristics
Situational Factors Affecting Choice Budget Completion time frame Quality requirements Data completeness Data generalizability Data precision
Task Factors Difficulty of the task Stimuli needed Amount of information Topic sensitivity
Respondent Characteristics Diversity Incidence Rate Respondent Participation
Experiments Causal research designs that can identify cause-and-effect relationships between variables A variable is an observable element or attribute of an item or event that can be measured
Types of Variables in Experimental Designs Independent Variables Dependent Variables Values manipulated by researcher Control Variables Measures of effect Extraneous Variables Conditions that make the design a true experiment Uncontrolled, unmeasured variables that may affect dv
Validity and Reliability Concerns Internal Validity External Validity
Field Experiments: Considerations Realism and control Time frame Costs Competitive reactions
Test Marketing Test marketing is the use of a controlled field experiments to gain information on market performance indicators
Marketing Research in Action: Riders Brand Launch What Lee’s goal for conducting an extensive test market for Riders jeans? Identify and explain the strengths and weaknesses associated with the test market process used Should the company test market Riders using an Internet format?