Challenging perceptions of Africa
Mark the equator Mark the Sahara desert Locate: Lagos; Harare; Nairobi; Kinshasa Mark the mouth of the Zambesi River Write down three words that immediately come to mind when you hear the word “Africa”
Lagos Kinshasa Harare Nairobi Zambesi mouth
Where is this? Kampala, Uganda
Africa is one big desert FALSE
Everybody is poor and has no education. FALSE
They all live in mud huts and drink dirty water. FALSE
Exam answers June 2014 Exam answers June 2014 The coastal population living in Ghana are a predominantly fishing village…. Countries such as Botswana are unable to be educated because they are poor….. There are lots of vulnerable people in LEDCs, like Haiti in Africa Countries like Africa have no sanitation…
Africa is… Your task is to challenge the myth that Africa is all the same, poor and lacks development. To do this you could: Find an image, poem, story or even a short YouTube clip showing the variety within this beautiful continent. Then write no more than 500 words as to what the contrast is showing and why it helps to break the stereotypes surrounding this continent
There are cash prizes for the winners! There will be top prizes of £50 each
How to enter Send your entry to Iain Palot at: or post to Iain Palot at: 443 Chichester Road Bognor Regis West Sussex PO21 5DS Remember to include your name and school on the entry! If needed, please make copies before submitting – entries cannot be returned This competition is open to all year groups
The final stages… The entries will be judged by the competition panel of the Hampshire GA. They will look for geographical understanding in your writing. The winners will be announced at the Spring Conference of the Hampshire Geographical Association on Thursday 29th January 2015.
Deadline for entries is: Thursday 8th January 2015 Competition deadline Deadline for entries is: Thursday 8th January 2015 So ….get busy and good luck!