RFPMonkey.com External Review Makes responding to RFPs so easy… Well you get the idea. Call (213) 226-1066 Access Code: 871 881 008# 84% for WBT capture
S External Review
External Review Do you ever need to: Use External Review to: ask a non-user to review/edit RFPMonkey content? ask a non-user to approve RFPMonkey content? Use External Review to: create a new temporary, limited RFPMonkey user account assign 1 or more pending entries to the external reviewer deliver an email containing instructions and a log-in link External Reviewers have limited access: They can log in as long as they have content to review After review/edit, they either Return or Approve the content When their content is all returned/approved: They are automatically logged out of RFPMonkey They are thanked for their work Their user credentials are expired Ext_review_intro1.mp3 Even though you or members of your team are the usual contributors and approvers of your RFPMonkey library, you may occasionally need to ask someone else to review selected pieces of your content. You may need them to review this content and make edits to it. RFPMonkey’s External Review functionality lets you ask anyone with an email address to review certain content from your library, edit it as needed, and then either return it to you for your final approval, or to approve it themselves. These external reviewers are probably not routine users of RFPMonkey, and have probably not been trained on its use. They may never even have heard of RFPMonkey before. But this feature is designed to be very streamlined and easy to use, even for 1st timers. External reviewers do not have the normal access to RFPMonkey that would allow them to search the database, edit user accounts, configure security or branding settings, or perform other routine tasks. They are limited to viewing and editing just what they are assigned, and then to returning or approving that content, depending on the nature of the request.
S External Review New accounts created with 5 concurrent external reviewers External Review also available for older accounts Just ask Additional ER capacity can be purchased for any account In groups of 5 See www.rfpmonkey.com/pricing for details Ext_review_intro2 By default, each new RFPMonkey account is given the ability to have up to 5 concurrent External Reviewers. As one is used, your capacity for external reviews is decreased. When an external reviewer finishes their work, that capacity is added back. If your organization requires more than 5 concurrent external reviewers, we can add more capacity for this. Please refer to rfpmonkey.com/pricing for details.
Concurrent External Reviews Each external review request can contain 1 single reviewer (1 single email address) 1 or more pending entries Once you have made 5 external review requests, you have no more capacity to make additional external requests, until 1 or more of the current requests are finished. When each request is finished, the temporary user is deleted and your capacity for external reviews is increased. When all of your outstanding requests are finished, your complete capacity for external reviews is available for reuse Ext_review_intro3 In the last slide we mentioned that you have 5 concurrent external reviewers. This does NOT mean you can only assign 5 entries for external review, just that you can have 5 reviewers at a time. Each external reviewer can be assigned individual entries or multiple entries as part of a single request. And once each reviewer returns or approves all of the entries assigned to them, your capacity for external review is restored.
ER is ONLY for Pending Entries Ext_review_intro4 The external review features is specifically for your content that is currently Pending Approval or pending re-approval. You can not use external review with content whose status is set to DRAFT or APPROVED.
2 Ways to Assign Content Individual Entry Multi-select Ext_review_2_methods You can assign an individual entry to an external reviewer, or assign multiple entries. In either case, you are using just 1 of your capacity for 5 external reviewers.
Select Individual Entry Open selected entry Click on External Review link Uses 1 of your 5 External Reviews Creates 1 temporary limited-use user Sends 1 notification email with log-in link Ext_review_individual To make an individual external review request, first click into the Approvals tab. Then open the entry that you want to assign. At the bottom of the screen you will find a detail action link called ‘External Review’. Click this link to assign this single entry.
Select Multiple Entries Check boxes next to multiple entries Select External Review action and click Go Uses 1 of your 5 External Reviews Creates 1 temporary limited-use user Sends 1 notification email with log-in link Ext_review_multi Or, you can select multiple pending entries, and assign them all to a single external reviewer by choosing External Review in the ‘Select Action’ drop down and clicking the Go button. Whether doing an individual assignment or a multiple assignment, you will need to select the type of request, add some notes, and specity the email address of the external reviewer.
2 Types of External Review Review & Return Assigns content to the external reviewer for them to review, edit, and return to you for your final approval. Content is NOT searchable by other users until YOU approve it. Review & Approve Assigns content to the external reviewer for them to review, edit, and make final approval. Once they approve content, it is immediately searchable by other users. Ext_review_types You can choose between Review & Return and Review & Approve. Review & Return assigns the content to your external reviewer for them to review, edit, and then return it to you for your final approval. Review & Approve assigns the content to your external reviewer for them to review and edit as well. But rather than returning it for your final approval, you are asking them to approve the content themselves. When they do, the content is immediately searchable within your library.
S What Happens Next? RFPMonkey creates a new user with limited permissions Assigns the content to the new user (with DRAFT status) Sends notification email with log-in link to new user Ext_review_what_next As you finalize the request, RFPMonkey creates a new limited user account within your repository, assigns the entry (or entries) to them, and notifies them by email that they are being requested to perform an external review for you. Their email contains your notes, a link to the External Reviewer Guide, and a log-in link that will take them into RFPMonkey.com where they can begin their review work.
External Reviewer Activities Click the log-in link in the email Gain limited access to your RFPMonkey library Ext_review_activities1 Upon following their log-in link, the external reviewer is notified that they have only limited and temporary access.
External Reviewer Activities View the assigned content (1 or more entries ) Ext_review_activities2 They can then list their drafts. That is, display the entry or entries that you have assigned to them for external review.
External Reviewer Activities Actions for any specific entry are limited to Edit Either Return Entry or Approve Entry Ext_review_activities3 After opening an entry, they only have 2 action links. One of them is Edit. The other will either be Return Entry or Approve Entry (depending on which you selected in making the external review request).
External Reviewer Activities Actions for any specific entry are limited to Edit Either Return Entry or Approve Entry Refer to other training or the User Guide for more information on the entry edit function. Ext_review_activities4 The edit functionality is the same as for other users. At this point, we assume you are already familiar with that, so we won’t cover it here.
External Reviewer Activities After they return/approve the last assigned entry They are logged out of RFPMonkey Their user account is removed Ext_review_activities5 After the external reviewer either returns or approves each of their assigned entries, the system checks to see if there are any more entries assigned to them. If there are, then their log-in link will continue to work. They can work on the other entries as part of this session, or quite and log in again later. When the last entry has been either returned or approved, RFPMonkey will automatically log them out, and remove their temporary user account. At this point, the log-in link in their request email will no longer work. They are done with the external review, and your capacity for external reviews is incremented by 1.
External Review - Recap S External Review - Recap Use External Review to: Ask a non-user to review/edit content then either return it or approve it. Create a new temporary, limited RFPMonkey user account Assign 1 or more pending entries to the external reviewer RFPMonkey will then: Create a new temporary, limited RFPMonkey user account Assign 1 or more pending entries to the external reviewer Deliver an email containing instructions and a log-in link Ext_review_recap In this course you learned how to select individual or multiple pending entries and assign them to a non-user for their review. You saw that this review includes the ability to view and to edit content, as well as to either return it after edits are made, or in rare cases to give the final approval for the content. External reviewers are granted very limited access – only what is required for them to fulfill your request. Also their access is considered temporary. Once they have finished their external review duties, their user credentials are suspended. You start out with capacity for 5 external reviews. Each time a request is made, you lose 1. Each time an external request is finished, you gain it back. Then your external reviewer can: Log in with limited permissions Review, edit and return/approve assigned content